Sorry I've been missing in action...

on 12/8/11 12:58 pm - Canada
Hi everyone!
I know it's been a few weeks since I've really been on here. It's been almost 4 weeks since my RNY surgery. To those who don't know, it's been rough but I can now see the light. I had a hard time eating solids and I'm now on my way. Still having a hard time getting in my protein though but I'm sure it will come.
I also had no weight loss from the time of the surgery until a little over a week ago. I became really discouraged but  I am happy to say that prior to surgery and the optifast diet I was 239 and I am down to 208 in only 5 weeks (with 2 1/2 weeks in that with no weight loss). I am amazed how the weight is just coming off. Also just before the optifast diet I bought a pair of jeans size 16/18 which were tight and uncomfortable and can now pull those jeans off while still done up on me. Un-fricken-believable. Honestly, do these doctors have any idea how life changing this is to us? Although only 1 person has mentioned my weight loss so I'm not sure if people don't want to say anything or is it just not enough weight loss yet to really notice.???
As for the meet and greet on Sunday I will be there although I will be late. Sorry, the kids have swimming lessons. This will be my first meeting & looking forward to meeting all of you!
on 12/8/11 1:45 pm - winnipeg, Canada
RNY on 06/05/12
so glad to hear from you. from what i hear, water is the most important thing this early out, and like you said, the protein will come, don't stress. sorry to hear you had a rough time with solids, but it sounds like you are already starting to reap the rewards! thats great! looking forward to meeting you on sunday. take care of you!
refered to weight wise , edmonton june 2010, asessment nov 2011, surg june 2012
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