Here's a couple home remedies I found:
Relieve your cramps with peppermint or wintergreen, especially when added to a tea. Drink one to two cups per day. Throughout the day, you may also suck on mint candy.
Drink Hot Liquids:
When your pelvic region feels congested and cramped, allow the warmth of hot liquids to increase your blood flow and relax your muscles. Some of the best drinks include hot herbal teas and warmed up lemonade.
Mineral Bath:
Take a dip in your very own herbal spa treatment to relieve cramps. Comprised of one cup of sea salt and one cup of baking soda added to warm water, this home remedy works by relaxing your muscles. Soak for at least 20 minutes.
Parsley not only increases menstruation and aids in regulating a monthly period, but parsley juice also treats painful cramping. Blend and drink 75 milliliters of parsley, beet, carrot, and cucumber juices for maximum results.
During times of a painful menstruation, use ginger as an effective home remedy. Pound a piece of ginger and boil it in a cup of water for a couple of minutes. Sweeten the infusion with sugar and drink three times daily after meals.
Here's the website for all they listed. I hope you find some relief soon!
http://www.grandmashomeremedies.com/home-remedies-for-menstr ual-cramps.html

surgeon's goal-170
my goal-135

surgeon's goal-170
my goal-135
holy cliches niki

oh well,
i mean them though, please take care of yourself