Hi everyone, new to this and looking to make WLS friends
wow..complications..scary..glad you're ok! congrats on the 60down!! I'm excited for my appt with him .. i can't wait to get my surgery date! I'd love to pick your brain and chat with you sometime if that's ok..maybe we could chat online , phone or have coffee. I've been watching tons of "journey" videos on you tube and have been looking for someone in our area to be able to talk to and share support.
thanks again Nik
I had my surgery on Sept 6th. I have only lost about 20lbs since then but have lost about 42 since April. I have Fibromyalgia so when I woke up in recovery I was in severe pain. The drugs they were giving me were not strong enough for me as I already take a high daily dosage of codeine. When the pain was finally under control I walked to the washroom and washed up and changed my gowns. I then went for my first nurse supervised walk. By the next day I was cleared to walk alone. I stayed 2 nights in the hospital.
I started taking the Biotin before surgery. As I am so early out I don't know what effect it may have on my hair but it sure has helped strengthen my weakening nails.
I am 7 weeks out and can eat pretty much any food. As far as I can tell I am not a dumper. I am doing my best to get in all my required liquids and food. For meats so far I have tried turkey, ham, chicken and steak. I have not had any problems with digesting them, I make sure I chew, chew, chew. I have had a small chicken wrap, beef jerkey, nuts, different types of fruits. Some days I feel really hungry but most days I have to remind myself to eat because I am not hungry and seem to forget to eat when I get busy.
Today was my first day back at work. It wasn't too bad. I did come home pretty exhausted. I work in a school and it was sure nice to see the kids. I think it is great that you were able to find us here. We usually meet once a month and I look forward to meeting you.

surgeon's goal-170
my goal-135

I'm a newbie on here too. I joined about 3 weeks ago. I have to say the people on here are the nicest you'll come across and very informative.
I am scheduled for gastric bypass surgery on November 7th. I've been on my optifast shakes for 4 of the 14 days. Personally I don't care for them but get them down cuz I know I need too. My advice is when it comes to ordering them get the chocolate. The vanilla is very strong tasting and seems to leave a film in my mouth. I weighed myself Monday morning after binge eating all last week. I wanted to go to my favorite restaurants and eat in general until I felt sick. I know I would never be able to eat like that again and for that reason I had to do it. I hate to say it but I felt glad that I did it (got to say goodbye to alot of my favorite foods) but boy did I feel sick and gain 4 pounds in just a week. So, as I was saying I got on the scale Monday morning. I weighed 239.4. This morning I weighed myself and I am down to 230.8. That's 9 pounds in 4 days on these shakes. So far I haven't cheated and I'm trying not too but it's hard. I have 2 little ones and I'm used to picking off their plates when they eat or test their food. Of all things though I am craving rice with soya sauce, lots of sauce. I have no idea why as I don't even like soya sauce. I think its the salt, which once again I don't really care for salt. It must be the shake diet.
As for the time frame. I was referred last October. I met with Dr. Vergis at the end of June. Love that guy even in just one meeting. Went to see Teresa the psych dr at the end of July. I then had to wait until the end of Sept to meet with Laura the NUT. I then got the best call from Andrea last week with the surgery date.
I also live in the southeast side of the city and I'm 38. Just had my b-day so this is the best present ever!
I think that's about it, about me. But if there's anything you want to know don't hesitate to ask. It's a pay it forward type of deal.
Just think December 1st is really around the corner. I mean we're almost at the beginning of November.
My son is 5 and my daughter is almost 4.
Typically you order 2 weeks worth of optifast. It is powder and you are supposed to have 4 shakes a day. No other food is allowed. Supposedly awhile ago you were allowed a cup of veggies but they have no cut that out. You can also have sugar free flavored water, sugar free koolaid, sugar free gum, tea and coffee as long as it's less than 5 calories but no milk. I'm having a hard time getting the shakes in. I haven't done all 4 yet. I'm lucky if I'm getting the 3 in. I add the required water to the powder and add ice, lots of it and blend it. I bought a single serve drink blender at Walmart for $16 and it works great. You can add coffee or crystal light to the shakes too. I haven't tried that yet but those were some offers others had made to me. I find that if you add alot of ice to it, it makes it like a milkshake. I didn't like either of the flavors without the ice. I guess I'm just a picky over eater.
Not sure what the cost of meditrim is, but for the 2 weeks worth of shakes it was $152.00. It's ordered when you meet with Laura the NUT.
I'm feeling a bit tired at the end of the day. Someone also gave advice on here about going to sleep early. I actually don't fall asleep until about 11pm but I get into bed at 9. It does make a difference. I find that I have more energy during the day though. I am a bit moody but I think that has to do with not getting as much sugar as I'm used to. I loved my cakes, donuts, pies and anything else sweet.
Didn't do the biotin thing. Heard from alot of people it was just a waste of money as your hair will fall out regardless. I too love my hair. I've almost always have had long hair and being overweight that's what I always had. Yes, I'm scared to loose it, have it thin out. But in the long run would I rather have long hair and be fat or thinning hair and be a normal weight. The weight loss won out. I mean it's only temporary and it's not going bald but only thining. It's a price I am willing to pay.
i know December isn't too far away...november starts on tuesday!! lol..yea i hear ya about the hair...i have thick hair anyway, i think i'll be alright..lol I've seen Laura already , i saw her back in the spring...then i had my lil weight gain from quitting smoking. i'm not sure if i'll have to meet with her again or just to get the optifast ordered. speaking of ordered...i ordered the book "weight loss surgery for dummies" apparently everyone has that book when they have this surgery. I had to get McNally to actually order it in for me cause i couldn't find it anywhere in the city. Do you have that book? as far as being tired and sleeping..i'm usually in be by 930-10 and lights out about 11-1130 too.. i get up in the morning at 730 for the kids. I 'm sorry to hear you're having troubles with the shakes...you just gotta keep your eye on the prize ..lol you can do it! umm here's kinda an off question...do you know if you have to take your polish off your toes for surgery..lol i love my pedicures and having my toes done. just thinking of that today while getting my new paint done..lol and what about jewelry..i have my tongue pierced, will that have to come out too? just throwing it out there .. random thoughts kinda..lol
I was allowed to keep my toe nail polish on...but nothing on the nails. I had to take out my nose ring, but was kind of glad about that...I've had it for 10 years and it was time to say bye bye.
Welcome!! And good luck!