The Latest
on 9/9/11 7:32 am, edited 9/9/11 8:33 am - Winnipeg, Canada
So at 8 a.m. this morning I attended the bariatric surgery information session at St. Boniface hospital. This is something new, the first session was held last week. According to Dr. Vergis, it's a time saver as he along with the other surgeons don't have to repeat themselves 20 times a day giving out the same information. Makes sense to me. I was a little surprised at the amount of women there, there had to be at least 20 of us squeezed into a conference room. Dr. Vergis did a excellent job explaining everything with the help of a power-point presentation. Drs. Andrew and Hardy were also in attendance. It started promptly at 8 a.m. sharp and lasted about 50 minutes.
All of us had appointments scheduled throughout the day to meet one-on-one with our surgeon. My meeting with Dr. Vergis was short but thorough. He went over my medical history, looked at my belly and informed me I was an ideal candidate. Andrea measured my height and weight. I've gained 10 pounds since being refered in December. I actually thought I had gained more. Dr. Vergis wants me to lose it in the next 2 months.
As for dates. The nutritionist is booked until the end of November. I have to wait for a December appointment. Andrea told me I'm probably looking at April 2012 for a surgery date. That sucks!
Medi-trim is out, Optifast is in. If Optifast does make protein bars they're no longer an option, only shakes. It's also less expensive, approx. $50 less. I asked Dr. Vergis why the change, and he stated Optifast is the more popular bariatric pre-surgery diet in Canada.
He said he could not approve the surgery for me until I started exercising regularly and to prove I am exercising he told me I have to lose 15 lbs. I was devastated!!! I just sat in front of him and cried, it was AWFUL!! I don't understand why he won't just proceed with the process while I work on an exercise program and losing the 15 lbs, given the process is so long and surgery wouldn't be til 2012. I have become very discouraged and I am so sick to my stomach tonight. I really did not expect this outcome from my consult today.

Has anyone else on this forum had this roadblock in their journey? Just a word of advice to those who are still waiting for their consult, START EXERCISING, or your proces will be delayed. Sure wish someone had given me this advice over the last 8 months. It would have been great if the initial letter I recieved from the surgeons office, saying I met the criteria, had also included the fact that you need to be exercising REGULARLY to be approved.
on 9/9/11 2:03 pm, edited 9/9/11 3:19 pm - Winnipeg, Canada
I just went over all the paper work I was given. I was approved. I signed my life away and then when I asked what I had just signed, Andrea said it was acceptance into the program. I was given the phone number to make an appointment for a psych exam. Were you? And Andrea will be making an appointment with the nutritionist for me. She would have given me one today, but like I said, November was all booked and she didn't have the available dates for December.
I agree with you, exercise was never mentioned as being part of the criteria, and I highly doubt that all the women at the info session today exercise. Is the 15 pounds he wants you to lose weight that you have gained since you were refered? You can lose it! Put your mind to it and think of it as a small price to pay for a means to an end. Don't be discouraged.
I too, was in the meeting on Sept 9th and Dr. Vergis also DENIED me for the surgery until I lose 15 lbs. He re-scheduled to meet in 2 months hoping I will have lost the weight by then in order to proceed with the program.
I think because I have a sedintary job and I'm not currently excersising, he wants to get me into a routine of excersising again as it is required to maintain the weight loss after the surgery. I understand his decision and the concept behind it but I too was DEVASTATED.
At the meeting everyone was excited they finally "MADE IT" - then to be DECLINED later in the day was hard to take. I know it's a small set back in the grand scheme of things but it was enough to make a person bolt for the cookie jar.
I'm trying to keep my mind on the big picture. I figure I have 40 more years on this earth so a 2 month delay is not going to make much of a difference in the long run. Keep your chin up, Kaskelkenz. We'll get there.
Then came to waiting to see Laura and get a surgery date, always waiting.... I had my RNY Sept 6th and I am on my road to recovery..... don't give up it will happen...

surgeon's goal-170
my goal-135
on 9/11/11 12:48 pm - Winnipeg, Canada
We were notified by mail a week and a half prior to the info session. Following the session and throughout the day all the women at the session had a one-on-one consult with their surgeon. I do believe most in attendance at last Friday's session were referred in January.