OH Marathon Team and Boot Camp
Hey Ladies,
I was at the gym after work and while I was running, still doing 2 minutes running, 2 minutes walking but next week maybe 3 and 1's it got me thinking again about the marathon. Hopefully I will have my surgery before Christmas. Andrea told me possibly end of October or November when I inquired since i'm trying to get work figured out. That works out great for me for timing. Am looking for anyone up to the challenge of doing next year's MB Marathon Half......maybe the full. There are a few 10K's before the marathon that we could do as practice. Anyone interested???
This afternoon I also bumped into one of the trainers who used to work at my gym, who started her own training business and she mentioned all the things she is doing...one thing that caught my attiention was she does a boot camp for breast cancer survivors. A light went on in my head, thinking about a possible OH boot camp. Doesn't matter if you have exercised before or not, it's for everyone. Maybe if anyone is interested I could talk to Lisa about possibly doing one for us.
I was at the gym after work and while I was running, still doing 2 minutes running, 2 minutes walking but next week maybe 3 and 1's it got me thinking again about the marathon. Hopefully I will have my surgery before Christmas. Andrea told me possibly end of October or November when I inquired since i'm trying to get work figured out. That works out great for me for timing. Am looking for anyone up to the challenge of doing next year's MB Marathon Half......maybe the full. There are a few 10K's before the marathon that we could do as practice. Anyone interested???
This afternoon I also bumped into one of the trainers who used to work at my gym, who started her own training business and she mentioned all the things she is doing...one thing that caught my attiention was she does a boot camp for breast cancer survivors. A light went on in my head, thinking about a possible OH boot camp. Doesn't matter if you have exercised before or not, it's for everyone. Maybe if anyone is interested I could talk to Lisa about possibly doing one for us.

I would be totally interested in doing the MB Marathon. I thing it would be very inpirational to others. I think we should hit the St. Boniface Bariatric team to provide Tee shirts with their logo. We could be advertisment for the program and clinic. What do you think? I have an appointment on the 8th and I will mention it. I would love to do OH Boot camp but I live in Pine Falls, not sure how easy it would be for me to attend. Very good ideas Charleen. Keep em comin! I am running 2 times a week, plus walking and biking. Zumba starts back up on the 6th after a 2 wk hiatus. I love being active.
on 9/2/11 3:46 am
on 9/2/11 3:46 am
I think this is a fabulous idea. I would be interested in the boot camp i think it would be a great idea- i was just thinking i would like to have a group of people to exercise with- will be happy to do one of the walks in the marathon.
I am not fit at all. But if there are others like me...i am willing!
I am not fit at all. But if there are others like me...i am willing!
I would be all over a boot camp..not sure on the running of marathons though. I would LOVE to, don't get me wrong..LOL I just don't have a treadmill to train on in the winter and seeing as I live in the country..jogging in the snowbank just doesn't appeal to me..for some reason
(-30 for starters)
So if we can get someone to organise a boot camp for Pre and Post ops..I would SO BE IN! keep us posted!

So if we can get someone to organise a boot camp for Pre and Post ops..I would SO BE IN! keep us posted!
I can't believe what a great response.
Sherry that would be totally awesome if you could talk to the clinic at your next appointment. I won't be in the office until my NUT appointment on the 22nd. Think this would a very inspirational to others. We can either get a relay team together, so we will need five people and each of us would run between 3.5 to 5 miles and for those who want we can then continue on to the half. We would have to definately start training after Christmas for this, would work well for me since I hope to get my surgery end of October or November. Fingers crossed.
For those who are interested in a bootcamp. I have talked to Lisa who runs Miss Fit Personal Training (http://www.missfitpts.ca/). She used to work at my gym until she went out on her own. Currently she does a boot camp for breast cancer survivors and I have talked to her briefly about one for us bariatric surgery patients. She is totally interested in pursuing if we get enough people interested in something like this. It doesn't matter what exercise level you are at or if you have had surgery or are still waiting. We are there to support eachother through this journey and not judge. It will be tailors to suit all of us at the sessions. She is away until next week and we will be touching base then. I will keep you all posted.
If you are interested and don't mind me sharing your email with Lisa, please send me a personal message.
Sherry that would be totally awesome if you could talk to the clinic at your next appointment. I won't be in the office until my NUT appointment on the 22nd. Think this would a very inspirational to others. We can either get a relay team together, so we will need five people and each of us would run between 3.5 to 5 miles and for those who want we can then continue on to the half. We would have to definately start training after Christmas for this, would work well for me since I hope to get my surgery end of October or November. Fingers crossed.
For those who are interested in a bootcamp. I have talked to Lisa who runs Miss Fit Personal Training (http://www.missfitpts.ca/). She used to work at my gym until she went out on her own. Currently she does a boot camp for breast cancer survivors and I have talked to her briefly about one for us bariatric surgery patients. She is totally interested in pursuing if we get enough people interested in something like this. It doesn't matter what exercise level you are at or if you have had surgery or are still waiting. We are there to support eachother through this journey and not judge. It will be tailors to suit all of us at the sessions. She is away until next week and we will be touching base then. I will keep you all posted.
If you are interested and don't mind me sharing your email with Lisa, please send me a personal message.