4 months out.
So I am 4 months out now, I have lost a little over 70 pounds alltogether. I am not liking the sagging skin I feel as though I have to pull my stockings up and realise I am not wearing any. The new clothing is getting to be very expensive and a bad habit . I guess that is not such a bad habit, there are worse. It seems as though all of my hair is falling out and nothing will stop it. I would rather be thin and completely bald, than obese with long beatiful curly hair. I bought a bathing suit today, it is the first one I have had in about ten years. It felt good. Eating still takes a lot of planning, which seems to be o.k if you are organised. I am not organised. I am still having a protein shake every morning for breakfast. I never feel like eating , I got used to the shake, it seems easy and I am lazy in the mornings. Take care everyone.
Since we had our surgery together I think we are pretty much in the same boat. I to would rather be skinny and and bald!
I so need to get more on the eating band wagon. I have such a hard time eating at work. Today all i have had to eat is cheese and a handful of peanuts. I guess I will have some chicken for dinner. It seams more and more I am not eating meals just snacks.
Organization is the key, not something I am strong at. Also, I find that I dont like the taste of most foods. That being said I love eating half an egg salad sandwich so I try to get that in a couple of times a week. Oh and I crave cucumber in EVERYTHING,lol.
I so need to get more on the eating band wagon. I have such a hard time eating at work. Today all i have had to eat is cheese and a handful of peanuts. I guess I will have some chicken for dinner. It seams more and more I am not eating meals just snacks.
Organization is the key, not something I am strong at. Also, I find that I dont like the taste of most foods. That being said I love eating half an egg salad sandwich so I try to get that in a couple of times a week. Oh and I crave cucumber in EVERYTHING,lol.