How do I upload pics?
When I get stuck, I click on the help button on the site. Someone usually gets back to me within a couple of days.
Adding Images
First, go to your photo area on OH and find the picture you want to copy. You can also copy a photo from another website.
Right click on the image and go to "Copy" and Left-Click (example below). It is now on your Clipboard.
Go to your profile's MY STORY section and click on "Edit" (or go wherever you want to paste the picture).
Next, "Left-Click" inside the editing window.... where you want to paste the picture at.
"Right-Click" and select "Paste" (example below).
Once you have clicked on "Paste" you will then see your picture appear in the editing window. Click on "Save" to finish.
How to add photos to message board posts

First, go to your photo area on OH and find the picture you want to copy. You can also copy a photo from another website. Copy the image by right clicking your mouse and select copy.
Then, go to message board post (or start a new one) that you would like to add a picture to. Paste the image into the post by right clicking in the body of the post and select paste. Click submit to post the thread.