on 6/21/11 5:04 am
on 6/21/11 5:04 am
Hello everyone havent been on in awhile my incision is healing maybe 2 more weeks of health care nurse's coming to the house still having hard time with food seems any meat that i eat doesnt want to stay down mind i did have chili turkey that was fine and shepards pie that was fine but chicken,pork,steak gets stuck and have to throw up does anybody else have to do that? im always looking for different menus so keep them coming michelle.I do agree with some people that have had the surgery here that there isnt much support that at least we have each other it would be so nice to meet again its been to long but i think it will be hard with summer i am having a garage sale this weekend to get rid of some of the the cloths that dont fit any more and other things if any body needs some cloths you can have for free they are 4x and 3x and some with tags..Oh yea today i weighed my self and i am
i dont remember being that weight in i dont know ever.Hope all is great with everyone have a great day

When did you have your surgery? I have trouble with some meat as well. I here lots of people of trouble with meat for up to a year after surgery. For me it depends on how it is cooked. If it is juicy or mixed in something, I dont tend to have a problem but I can only eat a small portion. I have real trouble with hamberger except if it is in a sauce, like chili or spagetti. Chicken I can eat if it is fresh made before it dries out. I tried eating half a homemade hamburger and was sicker then sick, wont try that again let me tell you! Try cutting it up and eating it with something else in your mouth at the sametime. I will put in a peice with patatoes or rice, seams to coat it as I am swollowing.