I have waited for a long time for this surgery, I am a mother of 3 kids 2boys and a little girl, they are still quite very young. I had my first appt with the doctor that approved me to have the sugury, then my secong appt was with the dietician, and she said i wasnt a qualified candidate for the surgury,,well that wasnt what i wanted to hear,, she said to come back in 2 mths and see the surgeon again, too see if i am ready..until then she has ordered me to exercise 4 X a week @ 30 minutes each time,,and also to eat 3x a day with snacks in between, and the other on was to quit smoking which is what i am doing already..I am just writing this to get it out of my system because it makes me really worried that even after i do all this i will still be refused? any advice will be appreciated.. Thanks Karen