Meeting with Laura
I cant believe it, i just made a post asking you how it went with Laura, then i submitted it and your post was up 18 seconds ago...... unbelievable. I guess us nurses are the only ones up this early. Really this is the only few minutes of quiet time i get to get on the computer. Anyway, i cant believe you are down 64 lbs.
un friggin believable. Good for you!!!! That is absolutely amazing. I think it is safe to say you are rockin that sleeve

I would rather be sleeping I tell ya, especially today. Those weekday evening trips to the city kill me! LOL. I am ROCKIN the sleeve! Can't wait to go to Albertville in July! Watch out-- Cha Ching!!!
How are you? Are you able to go to the next M & G? Have you seen Nicki? Haven't seen her post for awhile.
Have a great day Hayley!
I havent checked my sched for the next M & G yet, i will do that and let y'all know. Yes i have seen Nikki, she is VERY busy these days selling her house. Finally sold on Monday. She is back and forth to the cottage..... very busy gal. anyway, off to work with my peanut crunch bar in hand. Have a good one