what did you buy for post wls
i am getting ready for my surgery in 2 weeks and thought i would go out and buy the stuff needed for life post op.my question is what do we need?i have a slight idea of what we need but nothing for sure.
protien powder(what kind)
baby spoons
meal replacement
vitamins(what kind)\
any other ideas would be great.I would like to buy as much as possible before as i dont live in winnipeg and its hard getting to a store that would carry most of these items.
My shopping suggestions are:
1. Beneprotein: It is a tasteless powder that you can add to yogurt, mashed potatoes and other foods. It doesn't taste great in soup because it clumps up like cottage cheese when it is very hot. I really enjoyed adding it to my yogurt though.
2. I lived on Cuppa Soup & watered down apple juice. Later, I moved to cream soups, Cream of Wheat, and rice krispies & rice chips. (Rice flour is really easy to digest.) I found canned chicken a nice way to get some protein into me. I also munched on saltines to help settle my stomach. I would basically just let them dissolve in my mouth and then swallow them.
3. I found extended-release Gravol a god-send.
4. For my vitamins, I waited until I was a month post-op. I didn't want to spend money on the expensive chewable ones. Besides, it was just a challenge to get my fluids in the first month.
Afterwards, I just had the list of vitamins from the nutritionist and went to Wal-Mart to find what I needed.
5. I didn't find I needed baby spoons, but having something small to drink from was helpful.
Good luck! This is the beginning of something wonderful!
-Hair conditioner (I had worked my hair into a real mess during my hospital stay)
jello, lots of jello
-i would not over by on the meal replacements. Some brands dont sit well after the surgery.
Your will also find that your taste buds change. I personally can not use the benaprotien, I did not think it was tasteless.
-benefibre - i found that it had a bit of a taste but it didn't stop me from using it, i mixed it in my jello that i made
-pill crusher - i stared taking my vitamins when I got back from the hospital, also it was good for the pain meds
-jello - dont really care for the stuff but it really helped with getting in my liquids at first
-soups (i would either blend them of strain them)
-creamed soups
-bottled water - to take out with me
-a 750ml water bottle - goal was to drink 2 of them per day in the beginning
-ready to drink Premier protein drinks from costco - i really relied on these in the begining to get in my protein requirements
-i use body fortress protein powder from Walmart - i like the strawberry flavour, sometimes i add a banana or banana extract
-homemade pureed chili - it was great for a protein choice and it was homemade so i knew what was in it
-juices - crystal lite, sf arizona ice tea, herbal teas, etc.
-sf pudding (yummy)
-yogurt source 0
-baby wipes
-books to read - it gets boring lying around after a while
-laxaday - if you need it, it is VERY good to have
-gas-x strips
For vitamins I use liquid calcium from costco, the brand is wellesse or i take chocolate calcium chews, i use centrum silver chewables (the type for seniors, i find that there is more "stuff" in it), B12 sublinguals, mine are mint flavour, i take magnesium pills with the calcium when i am having troubles with my BMs, vitamin d3 is in my liquid calcium and chews. I also take an iron pill every 2nd day.
I know that there was more but I cant think of anything else right now