4 weeks post-op = 30pds
You know, I'm actually not looking forward to the compliments? In the past they always triggered relapses when I lost a lot of weight. Personally, I've never known how to handle them or accept it. I've always seen myself as the fat girl, even when I was thin (5ft & 100lbs, prior to first pregnancy). I was not that size very long, maybe a couple years; but most of my life, including childhood, I was at least chubby, until after pregnancy, then my weight went out of control. It always seemed odd, like, was I so wrong/bad when I was larger? Strange how the mind works...or at least mine
...that is giving me something to think about and work my way through I guess.

on 4/4/11 1:26 am
on 4/4/11 1:26 am
so happy for you great job and yes lisa it is hard for me also to take any body saying any thing nice cause i never felt good about my self so why would somebody say something nice starting to turn my head around that i am worth it and deserve people saying things nice
keep us posted pam great job again
keep us posted pam great job again