God help me through the next week!
I've had the sniffles about as long as I've started the pre-op, ick, not fun. Just keep thinking positive, we've passed the halfway mark! I know I have to keep reminding myself, I actually missed a shake the night before and I paid for it yesterday because I was wiped out and felt totally off until lunch time (after my second shake of the day). I felt oddly too full after my veggies that I didn't have my dinner shake. Today was not so bad, but I know I can't pu**** again when I go to my workout because I am feeling wiped again and I have not missed a shake today yet (haven't had my dinner shake yet tho, am so not going to skip that no matter what). Anyhoo, think positive! We are almost there!
On a side note, my co-workers have been very supportive, we are having a pot luck tomorrow, but it's an all veggie related one, geared to what I am allowed. So I am bringing a spinach salad and my measuring cup to ensure that I don't go over what I am allowed!
On a side note, my co-workers have been very supportive, we are having a pot luck tomorrow, but it's an all veggie related one, geared to what I am allowed. So I am bringing a spinach salad and my measuring cup to ensure that I don't go over what I am allowed!