Upset with work
When I asked for time off the boss at the time asked what did I need it for. I said surgery. I thought it would be left at that but she asked what type. I thought that it was a private conversation and so I told her WLS. That was December 21st. Well I guess our conversation wasn't private because it seems that everyone, even people not in my department or on my shift, know that I am going. It kind of ****** me off. I wasn't sure if I was going to be going back to that job after surgery and this was the straw so to speak.
OHHHHH that would chap my ass!! SO UNPROFESSIONAL! I would report and ***** and moan...first of all she breached your privacy by asking what you were having done...then she shared it?..for real..what a wench! Hope she rots..I can't stand people who can't mind their own damn business!..
yeah..I'm a lil grouchy today..want me to go to work with you?..I can scare her real good!
yeah..I'm a lil grouchy today..want me to go to work with you?..I can scare her real good!

Your boss breached the Human Rights Act the moment she asked you what type of surgery. They have no right to ask. All your doctor ever needs to right on a note is ...for medical reasons... I would file a complaint with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission. No boss has the right to give medical information to anyone regarding another employee. She broke the law.

surgeon's goal-170
my goal-135
Everyone is right your boss BROKE THE LAW!!!! I know how private this surgery is and it is NO ONES business. As much as you don't want to return, you need to follow up with this.
I am soooo sorry for you, but keep your head up and know that you are on this new amazing road that is just for you!!
Good Luck
I am soooo sorry for you, but keep your head up and know that you are on this new amazing road that is just for you!!
Good Luck
i am a director of nursing and although i might ask my employee what they are having because i am concerned about them, i would never share that with another worker. it is not my place to let others know. my question is - is she overweight? i only ask because i find that smaller people don't understand why we would go through this much to lose weight.
by the way, i grew up in manitoba. can't believe someone would do that.
by the way, i grew up in manitoba. can't believe someone would do that.