Newbie here
I've been lurking around for a while and found such great information here. My name is Debbie and after begging my doctor to send a referral to Dr. Andrew he did. He said that although my weight qualifies he doesn't think I am a prime candidate because of my terrible eating habits and lack of exercise. :( I am a single mom. I work full time and come home and try to do what i can for my family. I have Fibromylagia, a hiatus hernia, thyroid nodules and then some. I am tired of living life this way. I feel like I am coasting through life. Losing this excess weight would take a lot of strain of my ailing body. I want to feel alive again and be able to enjoy life.
On a more positive note; I have spoken with Julie and I do have my first appointment this Friday!!! I am super excited. I am also afraid that I will be told that I do not qualify... Are there any tips you could give for when I make the trip for the first appointment?
Thanks so much!
On a more positive note; I have spoken with Julie and I do have my first appointment this Friday!!! I am super excited. I am also afraid that I will be told that I do not qualify... Are there any tips you could give for when I make the trip for the first appointment?
Thanks so much!
Hello Debbie, and welcome to the forum.
I am very excited for you for friday, and i feel that if you did not qualify, you would have got a letter stating so a long time ago. From what we have been seeing on this forum, and we have seen quite a few girls from referral to surgery. I think that once you get an appt. to meet with the surgeon, you're in. thats the way it has been going up to now. We havent seen anyone get as far as the 1st appt, and then be denied. I am waiting for my 1st appt also. Julie said i should get a call around May. we will see.........fingers crossed.
anyway, be sure to keep us posted on your journey, and let us know how your appt goes on friday. When was your referral sent in?
Have a very good day

Have a very good day
Welcome Debbie;
Like others have said, if you have your appointment with the surgeon booked, you are in the program. Congrats!
Some of us were referred to a psychologist for an evaluation after our first meeting with the surgeon. We still haven't figured out why some get referred and some don't. Maybe some of us seem loonier than others to the surgeons. LOL! Anyway, it is the psychologist's job to make sure that there isn't any undetected mental illness. I was nervous going in, but she was very nice and actually gave me some good advice. She does all the evaluations for lap-band patients too.
I hate when others judge who will be a good candidate for this surgery or not. Nobody knows better than you do. In my opinion, if you have thought about it, researched it, and were brave enough to ask your physician for a referral, then you have the guts and know-how to get through this.
Don't let anyone discourage you!
I am a month post-op. I have had some ups and downs, but I am convinced that this was the right decision for me.
Good Luck!
Like others have said, if you have your appointment with the surgeon booked, you are in the program. Congrats!
Some of us were referred to a psychologist for an evaluation after our first meeting with the surgeon. We still haven't figured out why some get referred and some don't. Maybe some of us seem loonier than others to the surgeons. LOL! Anyway, it is the psychologist's job to make sure that there isn't any undetected mental illness. I was nervous going in, but she was very nice and actually gave me some good advice. She does all the evaluations for lap-band patients too.
I hate when others judge who will be a good candidate for this surgery or not. Nobody knows better than you do. In my opinion, if you have thought about it, researched it, and were brave enough to ask your physician for a referral, then you have the guts and know-how to get through this.
Don't let anyone discourage you!
I am a month post-op. I have had some ups and downs, but I am convinced that this was the right decision for me.
Good Luck!
Hi Debbie, congrats on the appointment. I am still waiting to hear about mine but it's only been about 2 months.
I do have a question - are all the surgeons in one clinic? I am just wondering how they decide who gets what patient, or do our Dr's have to refer to a specific surgeon. I know my family doc sent in a referral, just don't know to whom. Any suggestions?
Since I've made the referral,I have become quite anxious to get the ball rolling.I feel like I've already waited for so long with not wanting to go to Sask. and not being able to afford to go private.
I do have a question - are all the surgeons in one clinic? I am just wondering how they decide who gets what patient, or do our Dr's have to refer to a specific surgeon. I know my family doc sent in a referral, just don't know to whom. Any suggestions?
Since I've made the referral,I have become quite anxious to get the ball rolling.I feel like I've already waited for so long with not wanting to go to Sask. and not being able to afford to go private.