No Longer MIA
MIA no longer.
I have not been on this site for quite awhile now and I will give the condensed Reader’s Digest version as to why.
I kind of had a melt down of sorts. Everything that could go wrong did. Health, mental, financial and personal issues can cause one a lot of grief when it comes all at the same time
I had ‘issues’ to work through and to instill in myself that I do matter and that I should come first for once. So I am going to be selfish in some aspects of my life and do for me first and others after.
It’s only been a couple of months but I feel like it has been an eternity. When you give up on yourself, your perspective changes. New year, new views as far as I am concerned.
This is not a New years’s a life resolution.
The ‘issues’ in my life have not gone away but my coping mechanism and skills to deal with things have changed for the better.
My weight loss has been at stand still as I had fallen back into old bad habits however, I didn’t gain any of the weight back–just stopped losing. It was hard to look at my inner self in a constructive manner, but I did it and am the better for it
No where to start but at the beginning so here I start once again.......chances are made to be taken and life is meant to be lived.
I will be on OH more often and probably vent a lot more; well not probably but for certain I will vent more.
As Biff Naked sings:" I love myself today; not like yesterday. I’m cool, I’m calm, I’m going to be ok Uh Huh"
Cheers to all my Manitoba OH Family......
Second..your ears must have been burning cuz I have been thinking of you LOTS in the last few weeks. SO glad you are back! We need you here! We are all here to support and we understand how tough it is to put yourself first. To do the things to live our lives fully and enjoy it...*sigh* anyways...
We are ALL going to kick this year into submisson! This is our time! For those who have started this journey and those who are about to embark on it...THIS IS FOR US!