Hello from Sunny Florida!!!
Well hello all!!!
We made it....thank god!!!! Actually the trip went well, it took us 3 1/2 days...long days mind you. Hudson was amazing during the trip and so were the days, the only one that caused trouble was me!!! I get really bored and antsy quickly and as a passenger I SUCK! I like to munch when driving so I made sure I had lots of cheese and even had some chips and dip, OMG it was so good and if not for this surgery I would have eaten bag after bag! Thank god for this surgery is all I can say! Weather wise was pretty good we only hit one storm in Indianaoplis which was pretty bad but thank god we made it through it!
I have enjoyed eating lots of new things...some worked and some didn't!! And I even had some wine...actually quite a bit of wine, well for what I thought I would have been able to have and it worked great...I wasn't passed out under the Christmas tree this year! Haha! I even had some champagne without realizing it was in a christmas morning drink we were served and had no reaction to the bubbles! I never even thought about it when I was handed the drink that the champagne might be bad for me....oh well it all worked out good! By the way, champagne...raspberry vodka...cranberry juice and garnish with a raspberry...serve in a champagne glass....the only way to open up presents christmas morning!!!!! I haven't stepped on a scale yet, have to buy one, kinda scared but know that I have to so that I am accountable for what I put in my mouth! God I hope Santa brought me what I asked me for....lower numbers on the scale!
I hope everyone had a great holiday season and I wish everyone the best of health in the New Year....because really all the matters is a healthy you and a healthy family!
I will try and get on more, just super busy trying to find furniture for our house, we didn't even have a chair for the first 2 days!!!!! But it will all work out!
Take care and talk soon!