Surgery Question
Hi Deb, how much protein are you required to take in daily? Does the requirement decrease as you lose weight? Do you find it difficult to meet these requirements? You can see why my user name is what it
I have plans on getting the sleeve, so I am always trying to educate myself......thx

Hi Hayley,
We are told to aim for 60-80grams per day. I have been getting in at least 60, I have two Costco Protein shakes every day, since I came home from the hospital. I imagine it stays the same and we just decrease the shakes and increase the food intake. I am starting to count grams of protein and carbs etc. as I introduce new foods, so I guestimate I am getting in around 80 grams per day. The shakes are not hard at all to take and the easiest way to get your protein post op.
I will know more once I meet with Laura (NUT) at the end of the month. I hope to decrease to one shake per day. Can't eat much food yet, a few tbsps. here and there so those shakes are a godsend!
We are told to aim for 60-80grams per day. I have been getting in at least 60, I have two Costco Protein shakes every day, since I came home from the hospital. I imagine it stays the same and we just decrease the shakes and increase the food intake. I am starting to count grams of protein and carbs etc. as I introduce new foods, so I guestimate I am getting in around 80 grams per day. The shakes are not hard at all to take and the easiest way to get your protein post op.
I will know more once I meet with Laura (NUT) at the end of the month. I hope to decrease to one shake per day. Can't eat much food yet, a few tbsps. here and there so those shakes are a godsend!