Surgery Question
I am curious about the difference between the two surgeries being offered in Manitoba. I have had the VSG (Sleeve Gastrectomy) done and have had a very quick and virtually pain free recovery.
When I met with the Dr., he recommended this procedure for me and told me the RNY was not for me.
For those of you out there scheduled for the RNY, why was this the procedure you chose?
Thanks, Deb
When I met with the Dr., he recommended this procedure for me and told me the RNY was not for me.
For those of you out there scheduled for the RNY, why was this the procedure you chose?
Thanks, Deb
How ironic you ask this question, i was just wondering that as i was logging in. I havent yet had my consult but have intention on the VSG. I was wondering about the difference of recovery time with each procedure, and what are the factors taken into consideration when chosing which procedure is best for each person.
I chose the VSG because I didn't want to have to take piles of vitamins for the rest of my life. The malabsorption only lasts max 2 yrs..then it comes back. I also didn't want to deal with the ghrelin overload that the fundus of the stomach produces when it's this HUGE!..LOL I also just don't like the idea of the RNY for me since I am a light weight with volume eating issues. I also have NO co-morbidities. I'm glad RNY is offered though!! We are all different and need different things to help us succeed in our weight loss journey.

He also said that it is the most studied and the most effective at keeping the weight off. I am not morbidly obese my BMI is 37.5 and my weight before the meditrim was 236.5 ish and now Like i said befor i am so scared and keep wondering am I making the right choice???
I had the surgery 2.5 yrs ago and had to go out of province for the RNY surgery as there were no surgeons to do this in Manitoba. I had to wait years for the surgery, fortunately there is more choice for people today. I have lost over 130 lbs and have no regrets... I take vitamins but am pretty healthy.
I had the surgery 2.5 yrs ago and had to go out of province for the RNY surgery as there were no surgeons to do this in Manitoba. I had to wait years for the surgery, fortunately there is more choice for people today. I have lost over 130 lbs and have no regrets... I take vitamins but am pretty healthy.
After seeing the recovery times, and experiencing such a fast and so far...uncomplicated recovery for me from my VSG, I am guessing the RNY is a bigger procedure. When I met with Dr. Bracken, he lindicated the RNY was for people with higher risks and larger amounts of weight to lose, yet I have co-morbidities and 100 lbs to lose (well under 100 now!!), and after reading these responses I can see that how much weight one has to lose is not really a factor.
Dr. Vergis is the only dr. doing the RNY and the other two are doing the VSG's. My original appt was with Dr. Vergis and then it got switched. I often wonder if would have ended up with the RNY had I seen Dr. Vergis? Does anyone think it depends on which Dr. your appointment is with??
I only ever considered the sleeve, it was totally the right choice for me and I am thrilled with the quick painless recovery so far! But I still want to know how you decide which one is right for you??
Dr. Vergis is the only dr. doing the RNY and the other two are doing the VSG's. My original appt was with Dr. Vergis and then it got switched. I often wonder if would have ended up with the RNY had I seen Dr. Vergis? Does anyone think it depends on which Dr. your appointment is with??
I only ever considered the sleeve, it was totally the right choice for me and I am thrilled with the quick painless recovery so far! But I still want to know how you decide which one is right for you??
My surgeon, Dr Nohr in Alberta only did the RNY... it was almost 5 yrs ago when I chose my type of surgery, people today have more choices.... I did not have diabetes... I had high BP and over 100 lbs to lose. I also had my RNY open, today people have it done lap. I have no regrets about my surgery.
My surgeon, Dr Nohr in Alberta only did the RNY... it was almost 5 yrs ago when I chose my type of surgery, people today have more choices.... I did not have diabetes... I had high BP and over 100 lbs to lose. I also had my RNY open, today people have it done lap. I have no regrets about my surgery.
I choose the VSG and Dr. Andrew choose this surgery for me too!! I have anemia due to heavy periods and one of the possible side effects from the RYN is anemia. This would only make things worse for me.
I am 5"101/2 and weighed in at 305 at my first appt with Dr. Andrew on Sept 16th.
The very next week I met with Laura and weighed in at 297!! Stress did some nice work in a week! At the Hospital on the day of surgery(October 19th) I weighed in at 280lbs.
I am 5"101/2 and weighed in at 305 at my first appt with Dr. Andrew on Sept 16th.
The very next week I met with Laura and weighed in at 297!! Stress did some nice work in a week! At the Hospital on the day of surgery(October 19th) I weighed in at 280lbs.
it seems like RNY is the choice for people with diabetes issues. I did not have that, just never was given the option of the RNY.
I have to say my recovery has been great, I feel great most of the time and i too am never hungry. It is amazing.
I have already found that I have to eat more and regularly for maximum weight loss! Who could have every imagined I would have to remind myself ?? So far VERY HAPPY with my sleeve!
I have to say my recovery has been great, I feel great most of the time and i too am never hungry. It is amazing.
I have already found that I have to eat more and regularly for maximum weight loss! Who could have every imagined I would have to remind myself ?? So far VERY HAPPY with my sleeve!