Country Girl Update + Sue B Update
I was up this afternoon to visit with Dean/Country Girl and wow!! She was sitting up and reading the newspaper when I walked in. She looks sooo much better than I did at the same time. She said that she is having some "muscle like craps" that are painfull and is taking tylenol orally!!. She has also started to drink apple juice(suffered hearburn)and has switched back to plain water!!
While in the hallway talking to one of my nurses from 2 weeks ago, I asked how Sue B was. They would not tell me anything and then a few minutes later down the hallway comes Sue B. We met for the first time and introduced ourselves(real names). Sue B is able to walk the hallways and is eatting ice chips, she said that today was the first day that she actually felt not that bad. She hopes to be discharged early next week as long as she makes progress.
I will be back to visit our ladies again on friday. They both look really good for having surgery.
While in the hallway talking to one of my nurses from 2 weeks ago, I asked how Sue B was. They would not tell me anything and then a few minutes later down the hallway comes Sue B. We met for the first time and introduced ourselves(real names). Sue B is able to walk the hallways and is eatting ice chips, she said that today was the first day that she actually felt not that bad. She hopes to be discharged early next week as long as she makes progress.
I will be back to visit our ladies again on friday. They both look really good for having surgery.
Thanks for the update Michelle, its great to hear how the girls are doing. Sue has been in longer than expected i'm sure, but hopefully the worst is over for her and she is on her way to recovery. I bet she cant wait to get home. Glad to hear Dean is getting on well. At this rate she will be outta there in no time. thanks a lot for keeping us all posted, i have been wondering about them gurls all day. keep us posted
have a good day
have a good day

Sue B said she would update you guys with her surgery when she got out, I do know that she has adema(spelling)swelling in the feet. Perhaps that is why she is still in the hospital.
Just remember ladies that everyone reacts to surgery differently, I was pucking and had low potasium and had to be kept in 2 days longer!!
Don't worry, be happy!!
Just remember ladies that everyone reacts to surgery differently, I was pucking and had low potasium and had to be kept in 2 days longer!!
Don't worry, be happy!!