
Never fails!!!!

on 10/21/10 2:31 am
Hello,  just I guess ranting somewhat.  I am very frustrated.  I have been obese all my life from childhood on.  Get you have such a pretty face if you only lost the weight just once too many times.  For the past I would say 5 years or so I was put on a waiting list to see Dr. Andrews.  This never did happen.  
This past February I got a call saying that the surgery/gastric bypass was now going to be covered in Manitoba and I may qualify was I still interested.  Hell yeah!!!!  So I was put on another list again to see Dr. Andrews.  
Come September I had still heard nothing.  So I have asked everyone of my current Doctors and Specialists what they knew about this.  They all said I would be a perfect candidate to this procedure.  
Finally end of September I heard from the Endorcrinologist that sent the second referral in to Dr. Andrews that I did not meet their criteria.  Meaning my BMI was too high.  My frustration is is there ever a happy medium for this to happen.  I have tried every diet out there once lost 96lbs.  
Since have gained that back and then some.  Also adding some health issues along with those pounds.  
I have spoken to my GP and to a Bariatric specialist as well as the Endorcrinologist and my Vascular Doctor all are in agreeance that this is necessary.  So why is it so frikkin difficult to get the ball rolling?   The GP and the Bariatric docs were going to put in more referrals.  Maybe the squeaky wheel will get some help!
Very Frustrated,
Sue B.
on 10/21/10 3:04 am - Canada
Hi, I have seen the docs and am having surgery next week. When i met with him they told me that your bmi must be under 47 for now as they are just getting the program going in wpg and are starting out with strict criteria to ensure success in order to be able to continue and then expand the program. Don't give  up. The program just started doing surgeries about a month ago.They are also only doing females for now as males are a little more difficult apparently. So hang in there, I am certain the program will extend its criteria once they have more surgeries under their belts.
take care
on 10/24/10 5:45 am - Winnipeg, Canada
I agree with Sue.  Don't give up!  

For those of us lucky enough to fit this 'criteria' they have set for now (I had my sleeve done Oct. 19th), it has been a blessing and I feel fortunate. 

I am certain too they will expand the criteria.  Everyone on the team at the clinic that I have spoken to including the Dr's, Julie and the dietician have said they are expanding the criteria once they establish success with this initial group of candidates.  If you feel like you just can't wait, look into options for Alberta (I have heard Man health may cover part of it) or there is always the states and Mexico is supposed to be very good.  Your time will come soon!!
on 10/24/10 6:15 am
 Thanks for the vote of confidence...will keep my fingers crossed.
 I know Dr. Duerksen, Bariatric Doc at St. B. said he was going to put word into a doc that works out of the Vic.  I am seeing my GP end of November and hopefully will see if she can put a word in too so they expand the criteria in the near future.  
Just tired of the waiting game has been years since the Docs first told me of this and than the program never took off.  Was somewhat hopeful when I was told about it in Feb. 2010.  Hopefully the criteria will change sooner than we think.  
I know for sure it is a necessity already for me.  Not getting any younger or any slimmer on my own!
Thanks again!
on 10/24/10 6:58 am

They will open the criteria...I just hope for everyone who didn't meet the criteria it's soon!! I did ask the Dr. and he said he's hoping by spring...maybe it will be sooner. I don't know if that makes it worse or better.

It really does seem absolutely crazy to wait for it to be successful....the government is already paying for it in other provinces!!!! It is so unfair for you and I feel so bad, actually more mad!

Good luck and it will happen!


on 11/2/10 1:33 am
 So I got a rejection letter yesterday in the mail....saying I did not meet the criteria and would placed on a waiting list for when the criteria should evolve.  It also said I should follow up with my GP and seek out of province surgeons...if I could afford to do this I would have done it by now.  Nevermind the criteria states a BMI of 47...for my height that means under 300lbs....again if I could lose that much why would I need this sort of surgery in the first place?   Still frustrated than ever!!!!
Kim H.
on 11/3/10 1:41 pm - Balmoral, Canada
Ouch! Any kind of rejection hurts. I'm also afraid of recieving that rejection. You wouldn't see me for dust if I could aford to go elsewhere! How long did they leave you hanging like that, only to then tell you No?? Stay strong, hopefully the criteria will evolve soon:)
on 11/4/10 2:05 am
 I was first told of Dr. Andrews at least 5 years ago and that program never took flight.  This new program he is with I was told in February 2010 when I was referred for it.  It also took not one but two referrals from two different specialists before I got this letter also.  Who knows!
on 11/5/10 12:50 pm - Winnipeg, Canada
I am so sorry you are going through this!  It is so terribly unfair. 

I can only say that I went today for my post op checkup and saw a new Dr. who is now part of the clinc/ She informed me she is now doing the surgeries as well and that the program is really taking off.  It really won't be long before the criteria opens up, they have at least 4 Dr.s doing the surgery now (and I thought I saw another one's name as well). 

You can always give Julie a call and ask her when they are considering widening the criteria, she is very helpful.  Stay strong, your time IS coming!