
enjoying summer here in Wpg

Diane G.
on 7/11/10 3:16 am - winnipeg, Canada
Diane G.
on 7/11/10 3:21 am - winnipeg, Canada
Summer is here in Winnipeg!!  I signed up for kayaking lessons and did it!! Do you think I could have done that at 286 lbs.... now almost 2.5 years post surgery I can do it (even bragging a little at my age-- just turned 52 yrs old).  My husband and I are going to the east coast for the 1st time ever and wanted to kayak with the whales.  Anybody else done that?
(deactivated member)
on 7/18/10 1:32 am
good health and high spirits~!
yes summer is here, looking to be a very hot week!  I just returned from Africa.  I am also 2yrs off the surgery -27-11-08.  I found myself NOT looking at the max weight limit on furniture and I went on a micro flight(think a couple of chairs with wings).. over Victoria Falls in Zambia.. what a blast!
not really into the kayak thing.. but would LOVE to white water raft!

Diane G.
on 7/18/10 10:57 am - winnipeg, Canada
What a great summer so far!  Played frisbee with my young adult daughter and she said she had never seen me doing this sport... I was kind of proud that I could keep up and do so well but also a little sad of all the wasted years of being so overweight (and not being as active as I wanted to be).
Sounds like you had lots of fun.
on 7/19/10 4:42 am - S MB, Canada
 That is so wonderful!!!

I am so envious of your trip!  Please make sure you let us know how that goes.  The east coast is one of my many dream trips that I hope to accomplish someday.

You are looking fantastic!!!  So darn happy for you!!!
Diane G.
on 7/22/10 2:11 pm - winnipeg, Canada
Hello Jo,
Yes we are pretty excited to see the east coast.  thanks for the compliment.  I checked out your recent pics.... you are absolutely changing in front of our eyes.... looking great...bet you are feeling so different as well.  Keep up the great work.... people have said I have been inspirational to them... you are motivating me to keep on going....
let us enjoy this weight loss and this great summer

on 7/25/10 3:18 pm - winnipeg, MB, Canada

Hi Diane,
I don't know if you remember me but i meet you and your daughter at the Perkins meet and greet last year and let me tell you you are an incredible inspiration to me . I would love to go kayaking or canoeing or anything in this wonderful summer we're having but at the weight I'm at its so discouraging. Plus at the end of June i had to have emergency hernia surgery and have been laid up for the most part of July.  I'm going to leave on august 5Th to see Dr.Amson the bariatric surgeon for my second consult which is in Victoria , so that's exciting but I'm concerned that he'll be disappointed that i have only lost 18lbs. I do have a question for you though how many consults did you have before your surgery? Any info would be great thanks. Hope you have a wonderful trip to the east coast. Talk to you soon take care.

Diane G.
on 7/25/10 3:54 pm - winnipeg, Canada
Hi Karen,
Thanks for the kind words... I had always wished we could get a support group going here in Manitoba.  I always read the Manitoba and Ontario forum for support and inspiration.  You asked about consults before my surgery.  My surgeon was Dr Nohr in Alberta.  I saw him for a consultation appt only once and my surgery was scheduled one year later.  That was it.  Very little information and support.  Many of the folks in Ontario have followup with social workers, nutritionist, etc.  I had none of that.  I was lucky not to have too many other health issues pre-surgery... only high blood pressure.   I did not lose any weight prior to surgery, I had lost 70-80 lbs years ago.... and put it all back on.  I waited for the surgery and knew after that I would go for it and try my best to make it work.  Don't get discouraged... you are making a wise and heathy plan for the future... August 5th is around the corner ...let me know how it work out for you.

Hope that answered your question,  you can email me on this forum or at    rdgagnon@mts.net

bye for now
on 7/26/10 2:57 pm - winnipeg, MB, Canada
Hi Diane,
 Thanks for getting back to me I know i'm doing the right the thing for me and it's hard to wait but i'm getting very impatient hoping that the surgery will be scheduled sooner than later. Also its expesenive to go back and forth to victoria every six months or so not that i'm complaining i'm glad to be this far along in this journey but you understand i want everything now.I hope you have a great summer take care.