BC time

(deactivated member)
on 7/4/09 7:03 am, edited 12/24/09 2:54 am - Canada
I saw Dr Tang, he used scare tactics and too simple drawings to explain surgery.I tried not to laugh at his tactics. I enjoyed being away with my DH for a few days. OMG..It is so beautiful flying over the Rocky Mountains to Victoria,BC. We arrived with plenty of time to watch the fireworks on Canada day at the harbor they were spectacular. We took a tour of the city and loved it! Rodger's Chocolates, I know I shouldn't have tasted them but OMG they are sooo Delicious!!

on 7/4/09 7:46 am - winnipeg, MB, Canada
HI  my name is karen and i'm from wpg. as well. I just read your post and i'm absolutley disgusted in how your appt. went. I was just in that same office may 28th 2009 with dr amson and i was there 4 hours waiting and he talked with me for at least 45 mins, didn't check me in anway just took my weight asked what kind of surgery i wanted told me to read two books and said he'll schedule my surgery in about a year and that was it. I have a bmi of 67 i weigh 375 and i'm 5'4. We didn't do any psyh i'll have very few pre op testing and if there is any needed i'll get them done here in wpg. The weirdest thing is my husband came with me and is overweight as well and has tons of problems we just mentioned to the dr he was on his waiting list as well and dr amson said your here now might as well just schedule you at the same time as your wife we were shocked and said you bet . We're so happy . I feel so bad for you to go all that way to be disappointed thats not fair. I'm not the greatest at posting  but i'd love to talk with you  and us wgp'er's need to get together and get a support group started so if you'd like call me at 237 0147 and you can vent and maybe we can figure something out for you. I'm sooooo mad for you.
(deactivated member)
on 7/4/09 10:05 am, edited 12/20/09 3:30 pm - Canada

Thank you Karen,

I obviously chose the wrong doctor. My DH said I love you you can't change what happened, so let's go out and enjoy the rest of our time here. He's sweet and understanding. So we went on our tour and finished the evening off with a walk by the harbor, is it ever beautiful at sundown.
I don't understand I weigh 375 but I am 5'8 with diabetes, HP, Hypothyroidism what was so damn complicated for him??! Is because he's new or only wants simple in/out surgeries..I don't know. But anyway I don't feel comfortable/confident with him as my WLS Doc so that is what matters to me now. He believes you cannot gain weight if you only overeat "good" food. From what every specialist I've seen has always stated food is food, if you choose to overeat any type of food you will gain pounds no question about it.

I forgot to mention in my post that he was really pushing up the LAP-BAND on me. Nope sorry not interested I cannot afford 20,000.00 it costs. From that point on it was all down hill once I said no to LapBand and said I knew what I wanted including the risks. 


on 7/4/09 9:49 am - Canada
I cannot even believe that happened to you! I just want to send you a big hug. What a weiner is right. Well, if that's how he is then you wouldn't want him operating on you anyways! Hopefully you can get in to see the other doctors on your list. No kidding eh? If you could lose 100 pounds on your own why would you bother going for the surgery at all? What a silly man. Needs a lesson in bedside manners. I'm glad you had a good visit after that though. Victoria is so beautiful, at least you got to see that. I'm rooting for you girl! We will get through this together.
(deactivated member)
on 7/4/09 12:03 pm - Canada
Thanks for the hugs
on 7/4/09 1:35 pm - Canada
Oh Laurie I am sooo sorry that you had to experience an A$$ of a Dr. like Tang. You are a strong women and that is right if only chocolate bars made us fat then we would not eat them right! But we do need to eat food to survive and food makes us gain weight, so what do you do? Loose a hundred pounds what a doornob! If our bodies responded to typical diets we would not be begging jerks like him for surgery. You keep your chin up because you are going to have the surgery, I know it.

Talk to you soon Stephanie
(deactivated member)
on 7/4/09 1:45 pm, edited 8/13/09 3:58 pm - Canada
tHANKS Stephanie

on 7/5/09 1:23 am - Canada
Yes I did and he is a hero! Way to go hubby! See I just know that we well be travelling together I hope. Well here is to our wait for Dr. Savoie

Talk to you soon Stephanie
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