Gastric Bypass Info Needed
I had my doctor send in a referal but if you are coming from out of province it is not necessary. I wanted to do it so I could try and get some of my money back from Manitoba health in which case you then need a referal. (more for your doctors records than Dr. Christou's records).
I downloaded the form off the website, filled it in, sent it in on October 31st. I then recived a call the next week and had an appointment by the end of November (I could of gone earlier than that but it just didn't work out for me). I then went for my initial appointment (which not all people do ahead of time some just have their initial appointment the day before surgery). I then had my surgery on December 20th. A total of a month and a half... CRAZY!!
If you need any more info I would be happy to help you.
Hi Nancy!
Holy hell, that is a really short time!!
I am going to my doctor's on Monday to get him to send in a referral to a few different surgeons, Dr. Christou included.
As for insurance: From what I've read and been told, I think you have to try and get it approved beforehand through MH, though - I don't think you can claim expenses back after the fact without going through the proper channels, but I wish you luck anyways!~ Who the heck wants to wait 3 YEARS or more?
Have you had any luck getting reimbursed at all? Do you have another insurer? I do, and it looks like both may cover this surgery when combined. (Sun Life, I am a public servant)
Do you know of anyone in my situation that has been reimbursed?
Thanks SO much again, Nancy.

Sorry it took me so long to reply to you. I don't know about any other insurers. I was a self pay. I have blue cross and they did not cover any part of it. For me everything happened so quickly I didn't really speak to very many other people. I also had a friend go a few weeks ago and get the lap band from Dr. Christou.
As for being reimbursed I am still waiting to get some money back from Manitoba health.
Not a problem - I had my doctor refer me to Dr. Christou, and had him send in the paperwork for travel expenses, etc. and have my application form/letter/pictures in to Dr. Christou now. Just waiting for the phone call on the consult!
Thanks loads - you were instrumental in my journey with regards to what was best for me.
Feel free to private message me!!!