chapter leader
bourngorno bellas and bellos
ok i have a qwestion for any one in the bostoin area ..
if i became a chapter leader would you be willing to go to meetings if i was one?
i figure members from south of and north of boston could meet..i would like some feedback before i commit myself to doing this only because if i do this and cant get at least 10 people its not worth oh time and effet on thier part
i figure we could meet somewere in boston maybe a star bucks yea cliche or maybe a coffee house were its nuetral were no one has to go out of thier way can be a saturday afternoon ..saturday morning maybe a night during the week its up to you
please send some feedback so i can get in touch with debby
thanks Joann
I live near the NH/MA border, so Boston is out for me. MGH has the monthly one and honestly after a 10 hour day at work the last thing I want to do is drive into the city, not to mention my husband works third shift and it doesn't fall on his day off.
I would be willing to meet people in my area or even open up my living room. I don't have the biggest house in the world, but there is always room for chatters and visiters. Let me know what the decision is.
Julie Hopkins
Georgetown, MA
I would go in a heartbeat, but I keep saying that about the *hospital support group at my hospital, and I never make it... it's just A LOT of work for an hour. I wish there was something CLOSER to home.. ::sigh::
Let us know what you decide!