Pre-op was a piece of cake!!!!!
I got myself so worked up over this pre-op appointment and there was nothing to it, no tests, just a final consult with surgeon and medical history with NP. I was expecting an EKG, chest X-ray, ABG, every kind of test in the world, but there was none of that. In fact, the only tests I have had are a gall bladder ultrasound and a blood draw. I am all set to go Aug 2.
Also, the surgeon strongly recommended lap over the open I was planning on, so I am fine with that.
Now, I am just plain excited, no nerves at all!
Carrie had an easy time of it! When I went for mine....the EKG was weird...I have PVC's they had to send me to the cardiologist for clearance. He did one of those stress tests ....I had to do the treadmill and then when my heart really got going...two or three techs practically carried me back to the strecher so they could do some sort of ultrasound thing on my heart. Everything was fine...but that was my adventure in pre op! I think surgeons ask for specific tests according tow what they think the patient needs . I am glad it all went well..onward to Aug 2nd!