Mainer needs our help
Original Post by Jennifer Cheney-Morgan at 2:05 PM PST on 05/06/2005
Dresden, ME - Lap Band (09/23/2004)
Hey all, I hope you all will be thinking(praying) for my family right now, I have to go down to Boston in a few weeks to be with my son Alex who has to go into Isolation for a Stem Cell Transplant. I could be stuck in Boston for up to 2 months. Not that Boston is bad, but when you know absolutely no-one there to help you escape Isolation once in a while it is a bit scary. So, please keep me in mind, cause I could be gone for a while. I won't be online unless I get a laptop. Chat with you all soon! Jennifer
I cut and pasted this from the Lapband board--Please let Jennifer know she won't be alone here in Boston. Thanks. Joan F