Anyone for a South Shore support group?
I am not sure what happened to our last attempt but I would love to get one going.
From past emails it looks like Tuesday or Wednesday evenings are best? PLMK if I am wrong?
SO where are you? Good days?
I am in Marshfield and can do a bit of traveling and carpooling if that is what it takes.
So lets try this again.
My email - [email protected] - please put WLS in title. I delete strange emails because of, well we all know why.
I don't know if anyone has heard but there is a support group which has started in Quincy at the Quincy Medical Center. They meet the 2nd Monday of every month except for this April when it will be held on April 18th at 6:00 to 7:30. I went to the first meeting and it went really well. Should anyone want more information give me a call. I can get more info for you.
Holly O.