On the mend - Round Two...
Well, I was rushed by ambulance back into Boston Medical this past Monday August 16th around midnight. Several rounds of morphine and other drugs still could not stop the pain I was in, so they gave me all kinds of tests, scans, what have you. Turns out I had a seroma, which is a build up of fluid in an incision area where they actually removed tissue for testing, which left an open area for this to happen. Even the surgeon said I looked like hell - that made me feel good So, road to recovery had a setback, but I am going at it again with a visiting nurse and no bending, stretching, pulling, driving, anything for the next 3 weeks. But I will TRY to get up here as often as I can to check mail, etc - as you can tell it has been over a week this time around before I could get up the stairs to the computers. THANK YOU everyone for all of the cards, flowers, calls and visits. The surgeon told me no visitors now until he sees me in 3 weeks - guess I need to behave