just checking in
Just thought I would check in and add a post to this very quiet message board today. I am having my morning coffee and enjoying a quiet Sunday morning. I am reading the message boards and realizing just how fortunate I am. I am over 2 yrs post op and still a little below my goal weight. If you are reading this and thinking about surgery....all I can tell you is that I feel as though I have been given a second chance at life. I am in control of my body . I decide what to eat and what not to eat. Surgery is the tool that gave me that choice. I know that my job is to keep food in perspective. It is not my best friend. It is fuel....nutrition....that is it.
I am also happy that my husband has made plans for us to go away overnight to celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary. We are going to the Berkshires. Maybe I'll get a chance to visit at Tanglewood. I love that place. Enjoy the day!
Thanks Kim, I enjoy your positive posts! I am still waiting for a date, so this "hang time" sets one to pondering about doing this. I have just started an exercise program and can't believe the difference a little exercise makes in my energy level and blood sugars! It's good to hear how much better life can be with the help of this surgery and learning to put food in perspective. Happy anniversary and I do hope you get to Tanglewood. That sounds like a music teacher's dream vacation!
Thank you, it is so good to hear from you and the others that are years out. It really gives a boost when we are in the middle of plateaus to see we are not at the end. That goal is really down the road and we have not hit a dead end. I love this tool and it has been doing wonders. My live has really changed for the better !!
Congrats to all