Lapband Question
Hi Joesphine Joey,
I just had a lap band put in last week and I am feeling great !!! (Burping like a sailor but feeling great!!!!) It did not take me long at all to get insurance approval (2 days). There is a lapband forum and message board on here as well, where there are many people who are upcoming to have surgery done.
I am glad I made the decision, although I haven't had my first fill yet.
One of the doc's at Beth Israel Bariatric's program is giving an info session specifically geared just towards the Lap Band. It's next Wednesday night. I'm pretty sure I'm going to do lap roux-en-y but I'm going to check it out - can't hurt to have more information.
To those who don't recognize me --- I'm a bonafide lurker......I'll admit've been reading on and off on this site since last December....but now that I've made my decision about surgery and my consult date is fast approaching 7/9 - I think you'll all be hearing much more from me