Anyone have Dr. Lautz?
I do! I do!!
I had my initial consult with him a few weeks back. I found him to be reserved yet open to all questions. (I think the resevered thing is just something that all surgeons have).
You'll meet first with his physician's assistant (who is awesome, but I can't remember her name). She will weigh you, go over the surgery and ask about your medical background and answer any questions. Then she'll take your vitals (bloodpressure, etc.)
When she is done Dr. Lautz will come in and discuss the surgery again to make sure you know what you are getting into and also ask for questions.
When he's done with you, he'll take you out to meet Eileen. She's the real power behind the throne! She cuts through packed schedules like a hot knife through butter. She'll set you up for all your future appointments; nutritionist, psych evaluation, and any other tests the doctor orders. Be prepared to have your blood drawn on that day as well.
Your husband should definately go with you if he wishes. I'm sure that Dr. Lautz will take the time to meet him and answer his questions as well. If your concerned about appropriateness, give the office a call.
Be prepared to spend 2 - 3 hours at the hospital. That's about what it took me.
I really liked the Dr and his staff. They made me feel comfortable in both their attitudes and abilities. I feel that I'm in very good hands.
I hope this helps.
- Sharon
p.s. Good luck!!
All in all, do

I'm having Open. My choice. Weighing the benefits / risks of both, I felt it was best for me. Besides, I can always explain away my scar by telling my neices and nefews that I was in a sword fight with a vicious pirate.
I'm also having my Gallbladder removed at the same time to eliminate future issues.

I had an initial consult with Dr. Lautz on Oct. 30th, 2003. Decided on open RNY with gallbladder removal, I went to all my appointments, psych, nutritionist, ultrasound, all of that, then on April 8th, I had my last appointment before surgery (April 26th). He talked with me for a while and let me know that he had decided not to do the surgery on me
. The reason was basically, I was too young and his career would be in jeopardy if I were to die and the press get ahold of it. He referred me to his partner, Dr. Malcolm Robinson. I am not as comfortable with Dr. Robinson as I was with Dr. Lautz. Dr. Lautz is hot, Robinson questions me on stupid things like how I'm feeling. I wish that Dr. Lautz didn't cancel my surgery because I would have felt much better about having a doctor/patient relationship with him. If you can get Lautz, GO FOR IT. He is the best in the state in my opinion and I really like being around him.

Hi there. My name is Laurie Hogan. I had my first consult with Dr. Lautz in October of 2003. During that appointment, I met with his P.A. (physicians assistant) first, then with the Dr. He is a very kind, compassionate person. He took all the time I needed to get my questions answered. My husband also wanted to come and discuss some of his concerns with Dr. Lautz. Once we were done Eileen set up the necessary appointments: psych eval, sleep study etc. I recieved my surgery date at that time too. I had an Open RNY on Jan. 26, 2004. Originally I was scheduled to have a Lap Rny, however, about a month before my surgery, one of Dr. Lautz's patients died during the procedure as a result of the staple gun misfiring. The GBS program was subsequently suspended, voluntarily by the hospital and Dr. Lautz. My husband was horrified and asked me not to have the surgery. I was scheduled to see Dr. Lautz a couple of weeks before the surgery and we talked frankly about the death of that patient and the risks associated with the Lap procedure. Ultimately, I had the open Rny on 1/26/04. On the day of the surgery my husbands blood pressure was twice that of mine. Dr. Lautz knew that he was a wreck and spent more time with him pre op and post op than he did with me. Dr. Lautz is an excellent, skilled practioner. Don't be reluctant to ask the questions that you or your spouse need the answers to. He'll be glad to answer them for you. I am now just a few days past the 4 month mark and have lost 75 lbs. I am so very glad each day that I made the decision to have the surgery. Please know that when you tell Dr. Lautz things he really understands. He wants you to be healthier and knows he has the ability to help you do just that. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any other questions or need more information. [email protected]
Hi Alyson: I had an OPEN RYN on 02/02/2004 with David. Never had any issues pre- or post op. Definately bring your husband. His questions and understanding are very, very important to your overall recovery program.
Eileen, Admin, is fantastic. VERY busy but will get everything done that you will need in minimum time. Just don't call her on clinic day......
Please come to the support group meetings at BW. We would all love to meet you and answer any questions we can. Great mix of long term post-ops (2-3 year out), recent post-ops (myself and other around 4 months out) and a mix on pre-op's with and without dates.
Bring your husband as well. We have had husbands, wifes, children, mothers attend so that they will understand that this is not the "easy way out". and that this decision can only be made by you. IF YOU are committed it will happen.
Natalie Egan is a RD that runs the support group, which is currently the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Please join us.
Well, I'd love to come to the support groups at BW, but it's a little far away, I live on the Cape. I do know of a few good support groups down here though. Does anyone know if Dr. Lautz does LAP RNY's anymore? I'm really against the whole scar thing, and having open surg scares me more than the lap... I was terrified during my c-section when I had my daughter... If he doesn't can anyone refer me to anyone else good who does lap rny's?