Mixed Emotions
Ok...here is the dilema (?sp)...I have less than 24 hrs to surgery and I'm thinking ok...if something happens am I being selfish and not thinking about my 11 year old daughter? I've cried this morning. How do I get over the nerves???? I'm very protective of my daughter. Any advice would surely be appreciated in the final countdown to surgery.
Thanks everyone
First, I want to congratulate you on your surgery tomorrow....You will be melting before you know it.
And second, what you are feeling is soooooo normal. You'll be like, "what was I so worried about?" How are you being selfish? You are doing this to make a healthier YOU. You will live to watch your daughter grow up, you'll be able to do more things with your daughter w/o losing your breath or without your legs, knees and ankles hurting. Think of all the health risks that will get worse or the risks that could develop if you didn't have this surgery. I don't think its selfish but very smart for taking charge of your health and doing what you need to do to make your quality of life better. That is not selfish at all.
Good Luck with your surgery. I am sooooo jealous.....LOL. I can't wait and when I do have my surgery, you can throw my words back at me. Because I will probably post the same thing you did just now.
Relax (easier said than done). You are improving your life not ending it.
Thanks Erin! I'm going to have lunch with my husband (my stomach is in knots and its a rare instance where I can truly say I can't even think about eating)!
I'm rooting for you and pray you get your date soon. I'll keep checking the posts to follow how you are doing and will do a dance when you get your date!
Thanks so much for all the support and I'm sending you BIG HUGS!