Hi My name is Heather. I am 32 and weighed 200 lbs the day of my surgery. I am 5'4'' and had a BMI of 35. I am diabetic also.
I had a lap band in Mexico on 12/19/03, because I wasn't obese enough to have it done in the states !!!
Anyway, does anyone know of a doctor who does fills in the Boston area?I am 3 weeks out and want to set something up for the next few months for a fill.
I called DR. Thayer office in NWH and they said they don't do lap bands.
I appreciate any input!
200/184/120 ...12/19/03
Hi Heather
I am not exactly sure what fill is although I have some idea. I had my surgery 9 days ago at Tufts New England Medical Center and they do lap bands. I have a very similar story to yours. I am 31 and a juvenille diabetic. I weighed 195 before approval and ate my weigh to 220 (from nerves). My doctor was Dr. Tarnoff and he was great. I was able to get the surgery because I am a brittle diabetic and overweight to boot. Doctors at TNEMC believed in my cause.