Does anyone need some size 24 jeans? Or Lane Bryant "6" or "5" in the blue triangle style? They're great things, but since they're falling off me I'd love to pass them along. I may also have some tops too, but so far I've still been wearing most of them.
Also, is anyone getting rid of any size 20 pants? I'm not far enough out to be ready to buy clothes, since I don't know how long they'll last (I've dropped at least 2 sizes in a month), I have a coworker offering to give me some 16's and 18's), but I'm afraid that what I have will literally fall down before I can fit into an 18!
Also, is anyone getting rid of any size 20 pants? I'm not far enough out to be ready to buy clothes, since I don't know how long they'll last (I've dropped at least 2 sizes in a month), I have a coworker offering to give me some 16's and 18's), but I'm afraid that what I have will literally fall down before I can fit into an 18!