I RAN a 5K - official rime: 33:59
Fantastic! You are a woman after my own heart. I had gastric banding in 2006 but lost 130 pounds in 10 months due to my committment to excercising. I have maintained the weight loss and actually completed plastic surgery a few weeks ago and currently in recovery. Many people mourn food but I say I am FREE of it with the surgery. Who cares that you eat like a bird, pick around bread and live off of soup and protein bars when you can experience so many amazing activities. I encourage you to try a 10k or even a triatholon. I completed one last year and it was an amazing experience. Don't think you can do it? neither did I for I have been obese since I was 8 years old. Oh..but I worked up to it and now consider myself athletic. Depression and weight are a thing of the past. I Scuba dive now, just started surfing and golf over the summer and am picking up on snowbaording this winter which I started last year. The sky is the limit and I am so happy you have this experience under your belt. I know what it took to get there and I know how proud it feels when you complete it. Bask in that glory for there is hopefully more to come!... Again.. good job!