did anyone notice a slight change in tooth color after surgery? mine have gotten a little yellow, like I've had too much tea (though I haven't had any tea for a few weeks). i was wondering if it was from all the antibiotics that get pumped into the body during surgery.
hi i have noticed that and a lil bad breath it was horrible when i came home,, ive started the crest night time pro health and it started to help. just a suggestion.
well i'm glad i'm not the only one. i started whitening toothpaste. i'll see how that works. i work in at a dentist office so when i go back to work i'm going to look into bleaching. good luck on your journey!
Wow, I didn't even notice, but now that you have mentioned it I am going to have to take a look at that. I am a nut when it comes to my teeth and will have to start using whiting right away if I notice that.