BC/BS MA and Plastics... Coverage?
I was denied twice for a TT. It could have been covered if I had documented rashes and things. You have to have lost 100 pounbds and be at a stable weight for at least 6 months. You can go on their website and find what their guidlines are. Good Luck! I ended up paying for a LBL out of my own pocket.
Thanks for the information. If you don't mind me asking (and if you do, I understand) about how much is that? I just had a BL/BA and had to pay out of pocket as expected, but I do believe that my next step is a much needed LBL. I haven't lost 100 pounds as of yet and I am two years out, but it is my goal to lose another 30 pounds at that point, I will be at my goal weight.
Thanks again....
I have BC/BS of MA (PPO) and they covered the abdominal work. I've heard it depends on the plan and that PPOs are more lenient than HMO versions. It certainly can't hurt to try !
Good luck,
06/14/06: Laproscopic RNY. Down 215 Lbs.
11/19/07: Lower Body Lift with auto-augmentation on buttock lift, Breast lift with Auto-Augmentation, extended brachioplasty with Axilla repair.
02/25/08: Vertical Thigh Lift, Lower Face Lift, Fat Grafting.
11/19/07: Lower Body Lift with auto-augmentation on buttock lift, Breast lift with Auto-Augmentation, extended brachioplasty with Axilla repair.
02/25/08: Vertical Thigh Lift, Lower Face Lift, Fat Grafting.