need info on new patient meeting at NWH
It's been a year since I was at one but if I remember correctly, they explain to you what happens w/ the surgery (how they do it etc). Reasons why they only do RNY, they will answer questions. They also give you a summary of some do's and don't (re: medicines you can and can not take after). I believe they had a slide show to help explain. I do remember a few handouts nothing major just some additional info. Like I said it's been about a year since I went to it so forgive me if I am a little off. Good luck! It's a very exciting time for you. Which Dr. do you have your consult with?
I went to a new patient instructional at NWH in January. They discussed how the surgery is performed, why they do RNY and not the lap band, they explain the process, the do's and dont's (absolutely no smoking, they stress that a lot) They go over some of the risks of the procedure. They do give you a handout, but it's just a diet outline. It's something they suggest you start right away. I found the meeting very informative. I actually went to the meeting completely against gastric bypass and wanting the lap band. I left the meeting with my mind made up that gastric bypass was the right decision for me.
Good luck!