Hit the big 50
Hi Everyone, hope all is well. I saw Dr. Randall yesterday for my 3 month follow up. I've lost 50 pounds! Yipee for me! I told him that if I hadn't lost the 50 according to his scale then I was getting naked to get weighed again. I'm sure he was glad that I hit that 50 pound mark. hee hee hee
congratulations! the last time i weighed myself i was up two pounds so of course i was suicidal...lol. but after reading your loss i couldn't take the suspense any longer. i got on the scale and sad so say, i am under 200 (thank God) but i've only lost 41 pounds. i know that's good and my three month check up is next wednesday. is it possible to lose inches and not weight because my legs are super thin.
HE IS THE BEST!!!! Come to our support group on April 26 at the Lawrence Memorial Hospital School of Nursing at 6:30. You will hear some amazing stories and get to hear from the man himself. He does this meeting with one of the nutrionists every month. I started this jouney at 380 lbs. 14 months later I have lost 150 lbs and I feel incredible. You can see our pictures and hear our success. Please try and come if it convienent.
Hope to see you there.