New Job
Hey everyone I need some advise or more calming of my nerves. I havent had a full time job since my surgery adn I am so worried about getting in my food and nutrition. If I go to long my hunger is painful. I am 6 ft tall also my doctor has always stressed to me that I could have nutrition issues because of my height is above average. I have anemia so I worry about getting tired. I guess what I am asking is what do you all do witht he food schedules and water schedules at work. When it comes to your breaks and such how do you handle your nutrition?
First, a little planning can go a long way.
Consider having an "emergency pack" of nutritious high protein foods for your desk, such as a protein bar, a can of soup, some protein shakes. ( would say peanutbutter but that can be a trigger and a snack food for some.)
Also, have on hand some foods you may grab if you havent prepared a lunch, such as a south beach meal, etc. I fyou have a fridge in your office, get some SF jello to have available, or even some cold cuts that you can make something with just in case.
Have a good amount of rubbermaid or tupperware food containers, and also consider making an extra portion of your dinner the night before to pack right away for the next morning. You could also keep some fruit at work just in case, and some laughing cow lite cheese.
It is difficult at first, but once you get the hang ofit, you will do well
Good luck!