Sleep Study
Well I will be headed off island in an hour or so to head up to NW for my sleep study and hopefully if all goes well my Dr. will give me my surgery date tomorrow. I have my Tylenol PM w/ me and I'm ready to go, just not looking forward to the heat over there it's bad enough at 90 here. Of course I'll post back here when I get home tomorrow
Hi Jess
I didn't think I had it either but they had some problems w/ other patients thinking they didn't have it and ended up they did. It wasn't too bad I could think of worse things, the technician that I had was great, he had the surgery 5 yrs ago. I touched base w/ Dr. Thayer but unfortunately no date yet = (. They are hoping to streamline the results (it normally takes 2 weeks or so) and I should hear from the office early next week, I just want a date, I am in limbo right now plus my hubby really needs to let his boss know when he needs the time off. Thankfully other than blood work this is the only test I have had to do. I will have been to all my meetings once I hit the 0-6 month one next week. Good luck w/ everything
Hi Nicole
Thanks it all seemed to go okay the tech said he didn't see much in the 1st 2 hours which is when most of it happens, at least that's what he said although it does happen later so we'll see when the results come back. Congrats on being on the losing side! How are you feeling? Hope all is going well for you.