Considering lap band - length of stay question
Dawn, I'm in the western part of the state so I can only tell you what I was told. The lap-band is a day stay surgery around here. I had RNY so I was in for 2 days and I, of course, did had general anesthesia.
The surgeon should be able to answer all your questions when you go in for a consultation. Good luck!
Hi, Had mine done at BIDMC and as far as I know everyone uses general anesthesia. My surgery was in the early afternoon and required a one night stay (they do a barium swallow the next day to check for placement and leaks). I was released to go home about 28 hours after surgery.
Good luck,
Banded 9/12/05
Dawn am in the process of getting lap band surgery... date scheduled for 9/6... love Dr Hess met with him quite a few times and very very approachable... great staff... so far everything seems to be going well... they like to keep you at least overnite to be sure everything is ok... I will let you know how I make out..... I started this process about 6 mos ago and he is very thorough and I feel very comfortable doing the lap band as opposed to the bypass... good luck and I will keep y ou posted as to my progress.