NEwton Wellesley
From my experience: DONT bring any valuables to the hospital. If they are lost/stolen/broken the hospital isn't responsible for them and you have to eat the cost.
Also alot of hosptials will not allow any "outside"electronic items that their maintanence dept. hasn't checked over and approved. I don't honestly think you will be that bored that a lap top is necessary. Why risk having your computer broken or stolen, you will be "out to lunch" on drugs and won't know who is in your room anyhow and why give someone the temptation. Also the phone lines may be restricted as to where you can call. Your only in the hospital a few days and I'm sure your important people will know that.
Hi there... I had my surgery at Newton Wellesly and I don't believe they had internet in the rooms... but that was a year and a hal*****oo. I did bring a bunch of stuff to do but I did NOTHING! You are most likely not going to feel like doing anything. Resting and just laying there will most probably be all you wanna do! Good luck!