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Do you know if that is near where the band sits???? Seems the sweating might be my pancreatic issue which the gi doctor blames gastric bypass caused..... would explain the nose run of band sits near and is slipped
bypass/ lap banded
310/169/? 228/207/??
The runny nose if from damage to the vagus nerve.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Yes i get sleepy too its like a dump regardless what i eat.. Two bites and it happens .... who know guess when it comes out I will see what goes away and what stays with me
bypass/ lap banded
310/169/? 228/207/??
I don't have the band, but I almost always feel very hot and sweat after any meal. Not sure why, and none of my doctors can tell me why and what to do about it. I also get extremely tired after most meals. Meals that include carbs or no carbs.
It is very unpleasant, and so far I have not found a reason for it or a solution.
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Ok so i was banded 2-16 just found out my band
is slipped? ANYONE tell me what symptoms they got from
a slipped band??? i have Pancreatic issues also going on, not
making digestive enzymes and I am curious what is what.
I do believe that when i eat getting the runny nose and excessive sweat is the band slippage.....? ANY info helpful
don't k ow about the other but runny nose usually means one is " full" and to stop eating.
Ok so i was banded 2-16 just found out my band
is slipped? ANYONE tell me what symptoms they got from
a slipped band??? i have Pancreatic issues also going on, not
making digestive enzymes and I am curious what is what.
I do believe that when i eat getting the runny nose and excessive sweat is the band slippage.....? ANY info helpful
bypass/ lap banded
310/169/? 228/207/??
I would suggest checking out and participating on the Menu thread on the RNY forum (just because that one is the most active). That way you can see what other folks are eating daily. Also check out eggface Shelly had WLS years ago and posts some of the best meals for folks that have had WLS.
I am a band to bypass revision. My insurance was Cigna and though they gave me a hard time about it at first, they ended up approving the revision. I had reflux so bad even with a completely empty band I was popping tums like they were candy. Since the revision no more reflux.
Good Luck
Was holding steady at 187 for years. (5+) Had all my saline (2ml) removed due to constant acid reflux. (Gained 27 lbs in literally no time flat. (within 2 months and 1 week) (vacation and thanksgiving holiday didn't help any), However, no more reflux!
Got 1ml of saline added back in. (2 months and 1 week ago) weighed 214. I go back next week Dec 11 to get more saline added. I currently have no restriction. Praying that I haven't gained any more weight and hopefully lost at least 1 or 2 lbs.
I don't have any of my information about diet and allowable foods to eat any more from my consultation. (was banded in 2007 and that doctor has since retired and moved away)
Can some offer tips and advice about getting back on track? My time isn't as flexible as it used to be back in the day and energy isn't always there after working and traveling back and forth to work.
Remarried a couple of years ago and now have to consider another person in the cooking and food department or else I wouldn't really have to food shop on a constant basis and my menu would be just for me.
Also, if any one has their band removed and had a revision. Did you insurance cover any of that? I have BCBS and the gastroenterologist said i may have to have a revision. My band has slipped a little.
If I knew then what i know now, I would have had a different procedure. Had the option for that or gastric bypass. Have heard about docs not doing bands much any more.
Thanks in advance!!!
sorry for the late reply Georgina. my current email isn't associated with this account.
I didn't get my band removed. All the saline was removed. Total of 2 ml. I got 1ml added back in after one month removal and still no restriction. Weight has crept back up by 27 lbs as of last visit which was last month. I have another appointment next week Dec. 11 to see if i can get more in and to have a weigh in. If i knew this would have happened i may have continued struggling with acid reflux.
I've gone up 2 sized from 12/14 to 16 and the majority of my clothes don't fit. I've been steady at 187 and 12/14 for a great number of years. I hope I can get back to that because i'm not happy with 214. Well i take that back. I'm happy with more plumpness in my boobs but the rest can
Felecia from Alabama.