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Been MIA for quite awhile. Have gained about
75 pounds of 100 lost. Still interested in trying.
Any suggestions?
When I saw the ads for those on Facebook, I thought the procedure was not allowed if you have had any prior WLS. I thought it would be a great idea but didn't pursue it because I also have an empty band.

I'm getting my band removed Friday. Do you wish you had taken more time off ? Have things leveled out with pain now?
After one day of liquids, the next day you should feel a difference.

Banded June 2009- Allergan 10mL AP-S
Revised to Sleeve in September 2016
I don't understand why you don't have some sort of insurance. Both you and your husband are disabled, but can't get insurance?
You should be able to get some sort of state assistance if what you are saying is true.
I have a lap band with no fluid in it. I have not gained all the weight back lost but probably half of it. Has anyone with lap band had the obera balloon placed? if so what have been your results?
And why didn't the Dr. try a smaller fill? He didn't have to put in a full 3 ml.
Hi I went to get my 1st fill today. I have had the band for 13 years. I found out today I can never have a fill. He tried to put 3ml and not a trickel of barium went through. He says I need to go to a Bypass. I won the Lapband & had a different Dr. put it in. So now I have to try to get the Bypass which I wanted to begin with but I got the Band for free in a contest. But ALOT of things have changed since 2004 & I no longer have ANY insurance nor money both my husband & I are disabled but only he gets SSDI. I need a total hip replacement as well with no insurance. We live on $1100 a mo. I may be able to get it for aprox $8500 through a program at the hospital but still it might as well be $85,000 when your poor & disabled. Please pray for me to find the $8500 somehow.