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Congratulations on getting the band removed. And also, congratulations on insurance being willing to pay for a revision!
When I was considering revising to VSG, I was told by a revision surgeon that he would need to make the sleeve fairly small in order for me to lose weight and it would most likely exacerbate the reflux I already had. But that doesn't mean that the same would hold true for you, of course.
You might want to talk with your surgeon about the possibility of GERD with the VSG. I think only your surgeon would be able to answer your question definitively, George. Best of luck. I hope all goes well for you.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
I had my lap-band surgery back in 2007. I initially lost 35 lbs. from the pre-surgical diet but only lost about 10-15 lbs. after the surgery. I fought and struggled for 10 years with the band to lose weight and finally gave up. I had it removed in December 2017 with the intention of revising over to the VSG. My insurance is making me go through a 3-month diet with a nutritionist before I can get the revision.
I was leaning toward the VSG because I'm hungry all the time and have IBS-D (basically dumping syndrome already!) However, I've been hearing more and more about VSG people getting really bad now I'm not sure...
I had the band Jan 2009 did will had some random tightening that stopped me from getting fills. I revised to sleeve Jan 2016. Have hit a normal BMI. 20 pounds lower than I got with the band (144) I wish the sleeve would have been an option when I first started my journey. It is easier than the band. Good luck to you. Hope you have a good recovery

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16
Because your stomach will be smaller and your diet will change, the amount of time it takes for your body to metabolize alcohol will be much shorter, basically sending it directly to your blood stream (or that's how it feels).
I have had difficulty digesting prescribed medication in the past. Obstructed pills once made me sick for three and a half hours straight with a hospital stay of four days until I was able to keep water down again.
With these things in mind, please exercise extreme caution if you decide to do recreational drugs. Remember that your metabolism will be changed permanently and therefore the time it takes for drugs to enter your blood stream will be altered, and it will not likely be in a good way.
Everyone has given you the correct advice regarding not using drugs.
My Experience: I had the sleeve. I stayed away from anything toxic or strenuous for 6 months. As I slowly introduced foods I found that I was now lactose sensitive (with the exception of hard cheeses), and white pasta and rice were very hard to process (I later learned I could process it better if it was wheat pasta or more expensive styles of rice cooked with coconut milk in the water).
High amounts of refined sugar (two rich homemade cookies) made me dizzy
My sensitivity to alcohol consumption was 5x+ as high. I assume it was because my weight was much lower and it went into my system more quickly. It also gave me the munchies. Now I only sip it once in a blue moon.
My center of gravity was off, so I now even had to learn a new way to bowl.
In short. Do not use illegal drugs or alcohol, be mindful of prescription changes (especially with Bypass) and be very conscious of total body changes.
I think with any drug, the key is to use st least half the amount that a normal person would.
Ive done cocaine a few times after but I'm just not a fan of that drug anyways lol. Makes me kind of panicky - couldn't tell you if that has to do with my stomach or not though! Also bypass would definitely be different than the sleeve. Just don't do anything you're more comfortable with :)
Thank you it was. I am not a habitual drug user, but I was just curious how it affected you post op. I has Bypass done in 10/17 and my boyfriend wanted to do some cocaine with him this past weekend, so of course I googled what could happen and how it would affect me if I did.. I didn't do it with him though lol google scared me with all its answers, I am a habitual marijuana user though and haven't had any problems with it post op , I've never been the one to get munchies from marijuana use though. But thank you for replying! I know your post was really old. I am glad to hear about you weight loss success!
Wow this is super random. Luckily my email is still the same so I got this message, even though I haven't used these forums in ages lol.
Anyways - I did get the surgery. I had the gastric sleeve done in 2012 and lost close to 100lbs.
I have done mdma after surgery with no issues. But a couple things to note... I waited until I was 100% healed. Like at least 8 months later to even think about trying it again. Second, I take half doses. I used to do 2 pills but anytime after surgery I did it, I would get 4 half pills instead of 2 full ones. Your stomach is smaller and things will go through faster. Same reason DayQuil now makes me feel loopy.
Also to note (since I just reread this thread now)... I am not an addict lol. I am 28 now. I rarely smoke weed anymore, maybe twice a year. I've done MDMA once in the last two years because hey, I'm 28 and honestly I outgrew it. I am very healthy. I do not regret the surgery ever. I eat pretty normally, obviously a bit less than people but that's about it.
I am am not going to recommend running off and doing a bunch of drugs. If you DO think you're "addicted" in any way, I do think it is better or avoid. My use has always been recreational and infrequent. If you do choose to do drugs after though, make sure you are fully healed and healthy. And start with very small amounts to see your tolerance.
I'm definitely not a drug fan anymore but I know that's something a lot of people do recreationally still and I know I found NO answers online before so hopefully this is somewhat helpful.
Just wondering if you ever had surgery and done drugs after.