
Recent Posts

on 2/3/18 5:13 pm - North Pole, AK
Topic: RE: Update and Gastric Band Removal

Thank you, my recovery has been uneventful, I finally get to go back to lifting more than 10 lbs and my workouts. I am still undecided on if or which surgery I am going to choose.

on 2/3/18 4:40 pm - Yorkshire, UK
Topic: Seeking success rates after surgery to correct a slipped band

Hi all

Just hoping to contact anyone out there who has had a band surgically adjusted after it slipped. Did it work? Has it slipped again since? Does it take long to heal?

I had a band fitted in 2010 and loved it, and had great success. But over the last 2 years I've drastically lost weight as I can't keep any food down, sometimes even liquids regurgitate.I'm waiting for corrective surgery but wondering if I should just have it removed?

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

on 2/3/18 1:53 pm
Topic: RE: My port scar itches like mad!

hi diecia05 - my port site itches too. port was removed 4 months ago, give or take. itching means it is healing i am told, but for HOW LONG? tell the doc i guess.. SCAR GEL has worked well for me in the past. i had major surgery years ago and the scar gel applied regularly for a time, reduced the obviousness of the railroad tracks...

on 2/2/18 3:45 am - Abington, PA
Topic: RE: Band is finally out! Revision in 3-4 months

Damn Nic, I'm sorry to hear that. That really sucks. Thanks for adding your response...I appreciate it.



Lapband - 2007-2017: HW: 313, SW: 275, LW: 263
VSG - May 2018: HW: 300, SW: 278, CW: 241, GW: 180

Nic M
on 2/1/18 4:12 pm
Topic: RE: Band is finally out! Revision in 3-4 months

I wasn't able to revise. My original surgeon kind of screwed me up pretty badly. A couple other surgeons tried to "fix" his mistakes, but ultimately I had too much nerve damage to revise to another surgery. I regained and am fat and hungry! That is the truth.

Good luck, George! Hope all goes well.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 1/30/18 11:23 am
Topic: RE: Questions about drug use after the surgery?

Oh come off it.

If people are responsible enough to ask for advice on this, it's unlikely that their intentions are to run off and do drugs every night.

There are TONS of people who do drugs recreationally a few times a year and never get even remotely addicted. Not to mention that ecstasy is not addicting... your body can't even produce enough serotonin for you get get high repeatedly enough to be addicted.

no one is saying, yes go run off and do Coke and MDMA every weekend. But if people wanted to do it once off occasionally, then they're FAR better to come ask about it and learn than they are to just run off and do whatever. Regardless if you tell them "oh no don't do that, you'll get addicted!" or not, if they plan to use it? They're gonna use it.

Much better they at least seek advice on it.

Enough is Enough
on 1/30/18 10:57 am
RNY on 07/20/15
Topic: RE: Questions about drug use after the surgery?

Holy crap. I have no idea how this post got resurrected after 6 years, but really guys? Half doses of cocaine and ecstasy are okay after weight loss surgery?

No. They are not okay. Ever.

Everyone who ever died of an accidental overdose started out thinking they were "recreationally" using. But then they became addicted.

Very few people can just use recreationally. I'd venture to guess even fewer who are formerly morbidly obese, because there are likely some addiction issue underlying, already.

I mean, come on. If you do it behind closed doors, whatever. But DO NOT come onto a website and claim it's safe. I'm literally appalled at the irresponsibility of these posts.

on 1/30/18 3:00 am - Abington, PA
Topic: RE: Band is finally out! Revision in 3-4 months

Juniper Berry,

Wow that's great! Thanks for the information - I'm excited to get my revision surgery!



Enough is Enough
on 1/29/18 2:30 pm
RNY on 07/20/15
Topic: RE: Band is finally out! Revision in 3-4 months

I revised to RNY after the band because I was too worried about the acid side effects from VSG. I suffered so badly for so long with it from the stupid band that I vowed to get a surgery that would heal it, not make it worse!

I got to my goal in 9 months, and have maintained within a 5lb range for 2 years. I do get hungry, but it is not like pre-op hunger! Not even close! And fullness feels a lot more satisfying than it ever did with the band. I don't know about you, but I never felt like normal-full with the band--I basically had to stop eating when the food got stuck and I started to vomit. I swear I eat so much MORE with RNY, now than I was eating before--but it is the right food for weight loss, so I can eat more and weigh less.

In a nutshell it's the best decision I ever made and I hope you feel as happy and successful as I feel!

on 1/27/18 1:04 pm - Abington, PA
Topic: RE: Band is finally out! Revision in 3-4 months

Thanks for the response and well-wishes Nic!

So did you go with the rny instead? How well has it worked? Are you hungry?

