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Thanks a lot for this! you can also find help writing papers here It will save you time in writing homework in college or school.
Thank you!! I have an appointment towards the end of June to get some more info. I plan to try to do better with diet & adding in activity is a must that I have to start doing.
I am sorry you have gone through so much. Acid reflux is often terrible with VSG. I personally believe that the big weight loss with surgery is a once-in-a-lifetime event. We learn how to eat around the restriction and gain the weight back. I do believe that you can lose the weight again, but not with surgery. I have found that the only way I can lose and maintain my weight is with diet and exercise.
My regain started at 30 months after RNY and I joined Weigh****chers when I was seven pounds above goal. I count WW points and eat any food that I want. I don't restrict any food groups, but do eat a lot of veggies and lean proteins. I track food and exercise. I drink a lot of water and weigh myself daily. I am obsessed with the scale but for me that is a good thing. I have gained and loss many times after surgery. I am currently eight pounds over my goal and hoping to lose at least two pounds this month. Weigh****chers published a book last year called, The Shift. It is full of people's experience and common sense approaches to dealing with weight. I hope you can get a copy and read it. Good luck with everything.
I eat bread, pasta, sugar, cake, cookies, candy, and potatoes. But I weigh measure and track what I eat. I don't believe that 1000 calories from bread is anymore fattening than 1000 calories from chicken. But the chicken is much more filling.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Hi everyone! I was banded April 10, 2008. I had a solid 5-6 years of success with my band. I lost 160 pounds & kept it off. At some point after losing almost all of the weight I wanted to lose, I started eating carbs again at first in controlled portions. Over time little by little I could eat more & more. Over the past 8 years I put back on 100-120 pounds. That is:9 hard to type. My understanding is that my band was tight & the volume of Food would stay above the band. All I know is my breaks were gone No more discomfort and no more sliming when I overate. I was having Night coughs & sometimes I'd wake up choking with acid or fluid in m lungs & chest.
in February we did a complete unfill. My appetite and ability & desire to eat large quantities is back to pre band levels.
im wondering if anyone else experienced this & waited 12 weeks to let things settle & got a re-fill. If so I'd love to hear your experience. Can my band work again like it did in the beginning?
I'm hoping that I get a do over. I wish I would have known then what I know now & started with vsg but I didn't. I just losty best friend of over 30 years to a blood clot becoming a pulmonary embolism at age 48, & now I'm afraid to get another surgery. Hers wasn't related to baristric surgery but it's very much in my head now. Also I know a revision to vsg can have more issues than that being the only surgery. Sometimes with deadly results. So that is how desperate I am to have my band work again & re-lose this weight regain. It's my best shot and I know me well enough to know I can do it but I absolutely need a tool to help me. If not the mountain is too high to climb all on my own.
thanks for your time.
I had the band in 2007 after two surgeries and one replaced due to hernia/slippage in 2020 I had the band removed. No issues with surgery per se. I gained weight but have had cancer 3 times and massive amounts of steroids. If I had not had steroids I don't think I would have gained so much weight. But, I have to have the restriction or I will keep eating. I don't know why but that is my issue. I am looking seriously at the endoscopic sleeve procedure.
In 2007, I had my lap band surgery. It took 3 years to see weight loss. First I was drinking and grazing, then I went to the other end of the spectrum and was hardly eating and it was my friend who said I was not eating enough, I added calories to my daily intake and the weight came off (273 highest weight, 253 presurgical weight, 120 lbs). It is really about portion control.
Please know I am sorry for your frustration. Also, one issue I had to contend with was drinking my calories. For instance, a can read 120 calories but I didn't pay attention to the servings. When I did the servings were like 3... So it means only a 3rd of the can is 120 calories. Another issue I had was grazing, on snacks like nuts and instead of 1100 calories for the day, I was like ingesting 2000.
However, my honeymoon with the band ended. By 2012 I had a hernia and slippage and a new band, by 2015 slippage and I went up to 273 by 2018 full-on hernia and slippage went up to 203. By Dec 2020 it was taken out. I am like 15 lbs within my weight prior to surgery (not the highest weight). My insurance won't even cover the banding procedure any longer for anyone. Apparently, other insurances are refusing to cover the procedure due to its failure rate. It's not you. You would not believe the people I talk to that have little to no weight loss on the band or have had it removed. Gastric sleeve people also say it takes a few years to see weight loss. RNY people seem to do well out of the gate, but malabsorption is an issue. Look at doing some type of revision. That is what I am doing. I am seriously interested in endoscopic gastric sleeve *they go down your throat, suture you (no cutting inside or out).
I realize I am late to the party, but came online searching for similar experience and found this post. I am not banded...had RNY in 2006. Had been taking sertraline for years and continued to do so until it started to cause me pain in 2014/2015! I discontinued it due to concerns it could cause problems to my pouch (stomach). I successfully transitioned to duloxetine, but 6 years later I think my depression has not been as well controlled as it was on sertraline and want to go back to it if I can confirm it's safe to do so, despite the pain/burn.
honestly, I don't recall exactly what the pain was like, and I would think I tried taking it with food before switching. I want to say it was tolerable but for the concern, but who knows. It was so long ago.
has anyone gotten reliable info about its potential effect? What does the burning indicate is happening? TYIA!
Surgery Date: 10/09/06 245/241/181/130

I got my lap band in 2006 did really good for a long while lost a hundred pounds but now I am up at least 40 of that I am so tired of this. I want to have it removed and I don't want to revision. I'm now 76 years old I'm kind of leery of the surgery but I know I need to look into it. How was your recovery through the surgery?
Thanks! I certainly will check the video out. Yes, the pandemic really put a setback in place. I'll check out the RNY board too because I want to reimplement healthy meals back into the rush of the day to day schedule and eating on the run. I sit the majority of the day for work and the breakroom and practically at my back. So I want to get back on track with healthy snacks that I can get down early in the morning.(if my band hasn't loosened up that morning for just liquids).
I'll also check out about intermittent fasting and the best timeframe for me because of my crazy schedule. (up at 4:45, work by 6am, off work varies between 2:30pm and 4:30, not including commute time. Home most days by 6pm and hope to be asleep by 10pm if I'm lucky). I just don't want to eat the wrong things when it's time to eat!
Thanks for the info and encouragement!!!!
It doesn't matter what type of surgery you have the RNY board does a daily menu type thing and it can be really helpful to everyone. I know lately IF or intermittent fasting has been working for a lot of folks. Both my husband (non-WLS) and myself have been doing it and it has helped to lose some regain during the pandemic.
Take a look at Dr. Sten Ekberg on youtube. He talks about fasting and all sorts of stuff. I know you can do this.