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Hi all,
I got a message from OH yesterday in my email box, wishing me a happy Surgiversary and I thought I'd pop in an say hello to all of you that are still here!! I see a few familiar names and faces still on the boards and many Newbies as well!! 7 years ago, this board was my lifeline. I credit the support and amazing women here with much of my success, helping me stay on track and motivated when I just wanted a doughnut!! So here's a year 7 update for all of you!
3 years ago my hubby was medically retired from the Army due to injuries he sustained in Iraq. We really thought the Army was our forever career and were quite surprised to be headed out the door to civilian life after 13 years.....especially with no plan what-so-ever for a life after the Army!! The one thing we were both sure of, was that processed foods from the store were slowly killing us and our children soooooo we left Alaska and..... We bought an 84 acre, organic farm, goats, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, horses, and dug up a garden plot....5,000sq ft of garden plot in fact!! As of this year our farm is completely sustainable other than a small amount of grain used to supplement our grass fed flocks and herds. We produce all out own food including dairy and are completely free of the grocery store other than paper products and the occasional fruit or veggie that we can't grow here in Kentucky. It was a steep learning curve for a couple city kids with nothing but big dreams, but we've grown and learned and couldn't be happier with our choice. Our small original purchases of of livestock has grown and we now have 24 goats, 12 sheep, 2 pregnant piggies and a male, 5 cows, 100+ chickens, and 3 horses. (Not to mention the house pets, haha) Our freezers and bellies are full and we know exactly what went into every bite that goes into us!!
On the WLS side of life, for those of you that don't know me from before, I started out at 260 lbs. and I was just shy of 5'5. I chose LapBand Surgery, because my insurance only offered it or RNY. I was lucky enough to gain an inch of height in my journey, I'm almost 5'6 now, BONUS!! haha. I was blessed to lose my weight quickly. 18 months post-op I reached 100% of my excess weight gone, in fact I just kept on going!! By the time I was 3 years post-op I was at the low end of my healthy weight range and bordering on being underweight for my height so I went to work to gain some muscle and strength. I got a degree in Personal Training and Nutrition and got my rear in shape. About a year after that I fell ill. Once every 6 weeks or so for 3 YEARS(!!!!!) I'd have horrible stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, cramps, low grade fever, etc; for 5-10 days! By the end hubby would have to scoop me up and carry me to the ER for fluid and medication. I honestly thought I was dying. I saw several different doctors, had a myriad of tests, scans, and the works with no results. General consensus was that "This just happens to WLS patients" and I should get used to it or have my Band removed. I LOVE my band (I haven't always, we hated each other for many years, lol), there was NO WAY it was going anywhere, so I suffered. Finally I found a doctor that would listen to me; she spent hours with me going over diet, supplements, scans, x-rays, labs and my experiences, at my first apt with her. One week later she removed my gallbladder and VIOLA, I've been healthy as a horse since, even gained 15 pounds (Don't worry, It was MUCH needed, I was so thin I FELT frail, yuck) So current stats at 7 years post op are 5'6 ALMOST, and 125-130 pounds depending on the day. I'm about a size 2 and I feel like a million bucks :) I think I got lucky, perhaps, or maybe our mega lifestyle change made a huge difference, but I rarely have to think about meals these days or watch over how much I eat. My band still handles portion control and I still make good choices....most of the time. I'm human, I like cake occasionally, as much as the next guy ;) I had 8CC's in a 10CC band at my last adjustment over 4 years ago. I've never felt the need for another since. I've had no band related issues, other than a dislodged port many, many years ago, replaced with a low profile port. No slips, no erosion, no nothing, just a good happy healthy band.
Hope all is well with the rest of you!! Life is VERY busy these days and I get little free time for the computer, but I think of many of you often!!
I'm sorry you have had such trouble! It does seem some doctors are very against the band to sleeve revision because I've heard of that before but at the same time, many are for it.
There is an entire group on facebook "Band to sleeve revisions" that's very helpful. I went to Dr. Alvarez at and he routinely does band to sleeve revisions. Often (not just him, but other doctors) will need to remove the band, allow 6 months for the stomach to heal, and then perform the sleeve. I was very fortunate to be able to get it all in one surgery. So far so good, I am healing well and really had an easy time of it the whole way.
Just so you know, Dr. Alvarez charges 9,000 for a band to sleeve revision and that includes everything except your plane ticket to San Antonio. I'd do it again with him 100 times over, given my experience at the hospital and with him as a surgeon.
Congrats on your revision! I got my band almost 6 years ago. lost a total of 74 pounds (a little more than half of my ultimate goal), and have regained a total of 73 pounds. My dr.'s reply was that it "doesn't work long-term for everybody" and suggested I revise to gastric bypass. I really would like to revise to sleeve, but he won't perform the revision, saying it's too risky to go from band to sleeve. I went to another bariatric group for a second opinion and got the same answer. My insurance won't cover the revision, but I was completely ready to do self-pay. Now I have a band that doesn't work for me, sometimes with complications ****asional chest pain), and I'm back at square one. I'm completely miserable and feel like a total failure. My step-daughter and neighbor both got sleeve from the beginning, with ZERO complications, and have lost weight like crazy. I'm so happy for their success, though it makes me feel even worse about myself. I see so many people saying they got revision surgery - did your dr. say anything at all about the added risk factor since your anatomy has changed from having the band? I just don't understand how it's done so frequently (or so it appears) but 2 local drs. are so completely against it. Thanks, and Thundergrrrl.... again, congrats!!
"So don't be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time." Matthew 6:34
I believe withtheband was having trouble with acid so badly her voice was changing even with an empty band.
on 3/20/15 8:21 am
Hi Iam with the Band....
I don't know if you remember me, we had our bands on the same date. Just curious why you revised? I changed my name, so I couldn't view your profile....I live in Thornton, CO.
The Early Bird discount ends Friday, 3/27. If you're going to attend the 2015 OH Conference, take advantage of the savings and buy your tickets before the discount ends.
Not sure yet? Check out what it is like to attend an OH Conference from the #2014 ObesityHelp Conference photos.
Hi everyone! Thanks for the well-wishes!!
I was released from the hospital yesterday and have been doing fine. It's a real chore to get in the liquids (and don't even get me started on the protein, lol!) but luckily I'm off work for a bit and can just focus on healing.
So far, the sleeve recovery is easier than the band was. Of course, no hernia repair this time so I think that helps.
I am certain I am going to love having a sleeve!
It is a matter of perseverance. Get to your meetings even if you think you gained. My weight loss goal is one pound a week. It takes time, but I make my goals and you can make yours too.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Nice to hear a success story. I can't wait until I can say I am a lifetime member! I have 45 pounds to go. In the first 3 weeks I have los6.4 pounds. I didn't think I would follow the program, but I have followed it ;just a little loosely. I track my 49 weekly points for just about everything not on the superfood list. I think it has really helped eat with some moderation. You can use the 49 points for whatever you want, of course some things just don't work with the band. I continue to go to 2 meetings a week. The leader is just terrific.
Weigh****chers has been in the business of helping people to lose weight for more than 50 years and I have been a lifetime member for more than 40 years.
They can tell you how to lose weight. If I go to WW meetings, it is for the inspiration and motivation. I never announce that I have had surgery. I did not go when I was in rapid weight loss mode after surgery. I did go when I had Bounceback regain three years after surgery.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends